File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
06510773 |
C |
14/06/2006 Wednesday |
Anglo American Lisheen Mining Ltd., |
Barnalisheen, Cooleeny, Derryfada, Derryville and Killoran |
wind turbine farm consisting of 22 No. wind turbine generators, access roads, craneage pads and associated infrastructure. An Environmental Impact Statement will be submitted to the Planning Authority with this Application |
12510275 |
C |
27/07/2012 Friday |
Bord na Mona Energy Ltd., |
Killoran Thurles Co. Tipperary |
extension to the existing Lisheen substation including the construction of a new control building, transformer bay, transformer/transformer bund, 38kV cubicle and the extension of the existing 110kV busbar. Ancillary works to include the realignment of the internal mine access track to facilitate the proposed extension and the erection of a new compound palisade fence to secure the extension |
15600924 |
C |
23/10/2015 Friday |
Brookfield Renewable Ireland Limited |
Killoran Templetuohy Co. Tipperary |
The development will consist of alterations to a previously permitted wind farm development (Planning Register References 14/510138 (Tipperary), 14/202 (Kilkenny) and 14/109 (Laois)) where the permitted development also extends into the townland of Bruckana, Baunmore and Rathpatrick near Johnstown, County Kilkenny and Graigueadrisly, County Laois. The proposed alterations will consist of:
Amended cable route for underground electrical and communication cables; the omission of 1.3 km of previously permitted access track in Tipperary; and all associated works and services. A ten-year permission is sought. The application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement. This current application is part of an application for development which extends into the townlands of Bruckana and
Baunmore near Johnstown, County Kilkenny The proposed amendments will
consist of: relocated vehicular entrance on R502 through widening existing
agricultural entrance; alterations to internal access tracks including construction
of approximately 572m of new access track with associated drainage and
watercourse crossing; the omission of 1.775 km of previously permitted access
tracks; Clearfelling of approximately 0.5 Hectares of forestry associated with the
new section of internal access track within the Baunmore forestry plantation,
County Kilkenny; Amended cable route for underground electrical and communication cables; and all associated works and services. A ten-year
permission is sought. The application is accompanied by a Natura Impact
Statement |
2460936 |
02/11/2024 Saturday |
Former Lisheen Mine Site Killoran, Moyne Thurles, Co. Tipperary |
construction of an anaerobic digestion plant comprising: 4 no. primary digester tanks (each measuring c. 7.6 m in height); 3 no. secondary digester tanks (each measuring c. 14.5 m in height); 4 no. feed hoppers; 4 no. technical rooms (ranging in size from c. 35 sq m to c. 95 sq m GFA); 2 no. biogas conditioning units; process, storage and buffer tanks (comprising: 1 no. buffer digestate storage tank (c. 7.5 m in height), 1 no. suspension buffer tank (c. 8 m in height), 1 no. process area runoff storage tank (c. 4.5 m in height); 1 no. buffer digestate process tank (c. 4.5 m in height), 1 no. treated digestate liquids recycle storage tank (c. 4.5 m in height); 1
no. roofed liquids feed-mix tank (c. 3 m in height)); these components will be located within a containment bund constructed c. 3 m below ground level.
The proposed development will also consist of: feedstock storage (comprising 3 no. storage clamps (c. 1,050 sq m in area each) and 2 no. storage sheds (c. 500 sq m GFA each)); a biomethane upgrading plant (including natural gas compression unit); a biomethane loading facility (comprising 4 no. loading bays with associated gates and safety features measuring c. 490 sq m in area); a biomass boiler with its associated pellet storage silo (c. 12.5 m in height); Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant and associated heat exchanger; a single storey bio-based fertiliser processing and storage unit (c. 3,890 sq m GFA) (including digestate dewatering plant, fertiliser pasteurisation plant and bio-based fertiliser loading facilities); a single storey office building (c. 105 sq m GFA) (including offices, meeting room, control room, laboratory, welfare facilities, storeroom and a first-aid facility); bin storage; 9 no. car parking spaces (including 5 no. standard parking spaces, 2 no. electric vehicle (EV) spaces and 1 no. accessible car parking space); electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure; 10 no. bicycle parking spaces; vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access / egress and associated circulation routes; 2 no. weighbridges; a vehicle steam wash area; fuel storage tank and associated bund; an emergency flare (c. 7.6 m in height); a process area runoff lagoon; an attenuation pond; an ESB sub-station; boundary treatments [including gates, piers and fencing]; site lighting; all hard and soft landscaping; provision of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS); and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground, including changes in level and associated retaining features, and associated site servicing [water and electricity supply]. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted with the application |