Planning application details ref: 2360047 Kildare County Council

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Planning Application: 2360047 (Kildare County Council )
File Number: 2360047
Application Type: PERMISSION Planning Status: APPEALED FINANCIAL
Received Date: 18/07/2023 Decision Due Date: 11/09/2023
Validated Date: 18/07/2023 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 07/09/2023
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 03/10/2023
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 21/08/2023

Applicant Details

Applicant name: The Davy Platform IC for and on behalf of the Liffey Sub-Fund
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: will consist of Demolition of existing Buildings No’s 7, 8 and 9 (total gfa c. 84,838sqm). - Existing Buildings No’s 1 – 6 will be retained for deep tech and innovation related uses (total gfa c.42,862sqm) - Construction of 2 no. new deep tech buildings and 4 no. new data centre buildings, all including ancillary office spaces. The deep tech buildings will have an overall maximum height of c.16m and vary in size from30,945sqm – 41,190sqm with a combined total gfa of c. 72,135 sqm. The data centres will be c.15 m in height to parapet and c.16.5m in height to top of roof plant screening. The data centres will vary in size from 13,225 sqm – 21,000 sqm with a combined total gfa of c. 76,225sqm. All buildings will be provided with Solar PV panels at roof level and green walls along selected elevations. - The new deep tech buildings (A1 & A2) will be provided with service yard areas, loading docks, car parking, access roads, security fencing/gates and landscaping. The deep tech buildings will include rainwater harvesting tanks and green roofs over office areas. - Each data centre (B1, C1, C2 & C3) will include data halls, admin blocks (comprising offices, breakroom, loading dock, storage, and ancillary areas) and a variety of mechanical and electrical plant areas/structures including battery storage rooms and mechanical rooms. Car parking, access roads, security fencing/gates, gate houses and landscaping will also be provided. - B1 will include 14 no. fuel oil generators, MV rooms and associated mechanical flues. C1 – C3 will each include 22 no. fuel oil generators, MV rooms and associated mechanical flues (each c.18.6m high). Car parking, access roads, security fencing/gates, gate houses and landscaping will also be provided. - 2 no. district heating pump house areas and inground piping for district heating system. - Construction of a Replacement 110kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Substation adjacent to the existing 110kV Rinawade Substation. The current Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) substation known as the Rinawade 110kV sub is fed by 2 x 110kV Overhead lines. The new substation will connect to these overhead lines via short runs of underground cable. The replacement 110kV substation will include 6 No. transformers, with client control building and a 2 storey GIS substation building within a 2.4m high fenced compound. - Decommissioning and removal of the existing 110kV Rinawade substation. - Construction of an on-site energy centre to provide to the national electrical grid. The Energy Centre will include 9 no. gas powered combustion turbine generators (CTG's) and 9 no. Flues with a maximum height of c.15 metres. The turbines will be enclosed by a screen wall 14m in height. The energy compound will include all required infrastructure including 2 no. back-up fuel oil (HVO) tanks, an administration building, pump house, fire water tank, access roads, 14 no. parking bays, security fencing etc. Provision of a Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) gas skid surrounded by a 2.4m high fence and access from Celbridge Road (R404). The GNI skid will replace the existing gas skid along Celbridge Road. Provision of a GNI AGI (Above Ground Installation) including 1 no. kiosk building, c.32m high surrounded by a 2.4m high fence. Closure of the existing main entrance to the campus on Celbridge Road and reinstatement of the boundary. Construction of a new signalised entrance/exit on Celbridge Road c.80meters north of the existing main entrance. Use of the existing secondary entrance/exit off Barnhall Road Roundabout in the south-east as a principal entry/exit. Construction of internal access roads, footpaths and cycle paths including a publicly accessible link road between Celbridge Road (R404) to the east and Barnhall Road (R449) to the west. Construction of a new pedestrian and cycle overpass across the M4 motorway and pedestrian/cycle path adjacent to lands known as the Wonderful Barn Allotments; the overpass will link the new publicly accessible link road within Kildare Innovation Campus to the entrance of Barnhall Meadows estate. Undergrounding and diversion of the existing overhead 10Kv/20kv overhead line adjacent to the M4 Motorway. The pedestrian and cycle route within the Kildare Innovation Campus will provide a link from the new public link road, along the protected view corridor (between Castletown Estate & Wonderful Barn) to the north-eastern boundary of Castletown Estate. The provision of a net increase of 678 new car spaces, resulting in a total of 2291 car spaces across the site (including a total of 244 EV car spaces). The provision of a new private EV Bus charging hub with parking for 10 no. electric buses. The provision of a net increase of 310 new bicycle spaces, resulting in a total of 350 bicycle spaces across the site. The diversion of the c.500 m stretch of an existing 1.5m culvert, located to the north of the site along the existing loop road, southwest by c.60m; the diverted culvert will be located along the proposed link. All associated site development works, drainage and services provision, landscaping, boundary treatments (including security fencing), and associated works. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of and will be submitted with the planning application. The application relates to a development for the purposes of an activity requiring an industrial emissions licence
Development Address: Kildare Innovation Campus (KIC) , Barnhall Meadows, Leixlip, Co. Kildare
Architect Name: Location Key: Leixlip
Electoral Division: Planner: Oisín Boland
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: Yes Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 07/09/2023 Manager Order: CE48732
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 53
Grant Date: 22/01/2024 Grant Managers Order #: CE48732
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 21/01/2029
Decision Description: will consist of Demolition of existing Buildings No’s 7, 8 and 9 (total gfa c. 84,838sqm). - Existing Buildings No’s 1 – 6 will be retained for deep tech and innovation related uses (total gfa c.42,862sqm) - Construction of 2 no. new deep tech buildings and 4 no. new data centre buildings, all including ancillary office spaces. The deep tech buildings will have an overall maximum height of c.16m and vary in size from30,945sqm – 41,190sqm with a combined total gfa of c. 72,135 sqm. The data centres will be c.15 m in height to parapet and c.16.5m in height to top of roof plant screening. The data centres will vary in size from 13,225 sqm – 21,000 sqm with a combined total gfa of c. 76,225sqm. All buildings will be provided with Solar PV panels at roof level and green walls along selected elevations. - The new deep tech buildings (A1 & A2) will be provided with service yard areas, loading docks, car parking, access roads, security fencing/gates and landscaping. The deep tech buildings will include rainwater harvesting tanks and green roofs over office areas. - Each data centre (B1, C1, C2 & C3) will include data halls, admin blocks (comprising offices, breakroom, loading dock, storage, and ancillary areas) and a variety of mechanical and electrical plant areas/structures including battery storage rooms and mechanical rooms. Car parking, access roads, security fencing/gates, gate houses and landscaping will also be provided. - B1 will include 14 no. fuel oil generators, MV rooms and associated mechanical flues. C1 – C3 will each include 22 no. fuel oil generators, MV rooms and associated mechanical flues (each c.18.6m high). Car parking, access roads, security fencing/gates, gate houses and landscaping will also be provided. - 2 no. district heating pump house areas and inground piping for district heating system. - Construction of a Replacement 110kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Substation adjacent to the existing 110kV Rinawade Substation. The current Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) substation known as the Rinawade 110kV sub is fed by 2 x 110kV Overhead lines. The new substation will connect to these overhead lines via short runs of underground cable. The replacement 110kV substation will include 6 No. transformers, with client control building and a 2 storey GIS substation building within a 2.4m high fenced compound. - Decommissioning and removal of the existing 110kV Rinawade substation. - Construction of an on-site energy centre to provide to the national electrical grid. The Energy Centre will include 9 no. gas powered combustion turbine generators (CTG's) and 9 no. Flues with a maximum height of c.15 metres. The turbines will be enclosed by a screen wall 14m in height. The energy compound will include all required infrastructure including 2 no. back-up fuel oil (HVO) tanks, an administration building, pump house, fire water tank, access roads, 14 no. parking bays, security fencing etc. Provision of a Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) gas skid surrounded by a 2.4m high fence and access from Celbridge Road (R404). The GNI skid will replace the existing gas skid along Celbridge Road. Provision of a GNI AGI (Above Ground Installation) including 1 no. kiosk building, c.32m high surrounded by a 2.4m high fence. Closure of the existing main entrance to the campus on Celbridge Road and reinstatement of the boundary. Construction of a new signalised entrance/exit on Celbridge Road c.80meters north of the existing main entrance. Use of the existing secondary entrance/exit off Barnhall Road Roundabout in the south-east as a principal entry/exit. Construction of internal access roads, footpaths and cycle paths including a publicly accessible link road between Celbridge Road (R404) to the east and Barnhall Road (R449) to the west. Construction of a new pedestrian and cycle overpass across the M4 motorway and pedestrian/cycle path adjacent to lands known as the Wonderful Barn Allotments; the overpass will link the new publicly accessible link road within Kildare Innovation Campus to the entrance of Barnhall Meadows estate. Undergrounding and diversion of the existing overhead 10Kv/20kv overhead line adjacent to the M4 Motorway. The pedestrian and cycle route within the Kildare Innovation Campus will provide a link from the new public link road, along the protected view corridor (between Castletown Estate & Wonderful Barn) to the north-eastern boundary of Castletown Estate. The provision of a net increase of 678 new car spaces, resulting in a total of 2291 car spaces across the site (including a total of 244 EV car spaces). The provision of a new private EV Bus charging hub with parking for 10 no. electric buses. The provision of a net increase of 310 new bicycle spaces, resulting in a total of 350 bicycle spaces across the site. The diversion of the c.500 m stretch of an existing 1.5m culvert, located to the north of the site along the existing loop road, southwest by c.60m; the diverted culvert will be located along the proposed link. All associated site development works, drainage and services provision, landscaping, boundary treatments (including security fencing), and associated works. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of and will be submitted with the planning application. The application relates to a development for the purposes of an activity requiring an industrial emissions licence

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 04/10/2023 BP Reference #: ABP-318151-23
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date: 10/10/2023
Submission Due Date: 31/10/2023 Submission Sent Date: 31/10/2023
Appeal Decision: WITHDRAWN Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: 27/11/2023 Dismissed Date: