Search Results

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The Search Results screen display's the results matching the Search Details entered.

Once all the required Search Details have been selected / entered click the button to open The Search Results Screen.


The Search Criteria is listed at the top of the screen followed by the number of pages returned.

Click the numbers to navigate through the pages.


The Search Results screen displays the following fields:-


File Number - Unique File Number assigned to an Application
Application Status - Displays status of an Application e.g. New Application.
Decision Due Date - Displays the date the decision is due on
Decided Date - Displays the date the decision was decided on
Decision - Displays the decision made
Received Date - Displays the date the Application was received on
Applicant Name - Displays the Applicant's name
Development Address - Displays the address of the development
Development Description - Displays the description of the development
Council Name - displays the council name


Note:- The Council Name field lists the Council Name returned based on the Search Criteria entered. If a number of Local Authorities are selected the Search Results merges all the results to display a full listing for all the Local Authorities selected. Also if a search is executed based on the Planning File Reference Number Planning File Reference Number and this number is present in a number of Local Authorities then the Council Name Field will list all the relevant Local Authorities on the Search Results screen Search Results


All Applications matching the search criteria entered are displayed one after the other. To view the details of any Application click on the Application File Number View Application