Planning Application: 2460829 (Tipperary County Council )
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Applicant name:
McDonald's Restaurants of Ireland Ltd.
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
the development of a single storey drive-thru restaurant including the ancillary sale of hot food for consumption off the premises with an associated corral area, elevational signage, modifications to existing vehicular access off the Thurles Relief Road, car parking including accessible parking spaces, grill bays, EV charging spaces, bicycle parking, a height restrictor, customer order points with associated canopies, totem signage, free-standing signage, banner frames and digital menu boards, ESB substation and kiosk, landscaping including outdoor furniture/seating area with parasols, boundary treatments, lighting, and all associated site and engineering works necessary to facilitate the development. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and is submitted to the planning authority with the application
Development Address:
Land at Slievenamon Road and Thurles Relief Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
The former Eirin Foods Factory & neighbouring dwellinghouse Slievenamon Road & Clongour Thurles Town Parks
Demolition of the former Erin Foods factory, associated buildings, front boundary wall and riverside boundary fence. To improve sightlines we seek to relocate the entrance gates to the riverside walk and demolish front boundary wall of neighbouring house to the south of the site. We are applying for planning permission to construct a Supermarket (6709 sqm) gross floor area with 2 no. ESB substations, also on the site will be a fast food restaurant with drive through facility (332sqm gross floor area), vehicular and pedestrian, access and egress arrangements, to our site and to the site of dwelling house to the south of the former Erin Foods Factory, a cycle track, provision of 2 no. 4 arm roundabouts and associated works along the N62 which will be re-aligned (and re-located) for sight lines coming onto the roundabout. There will also be road re-alignment and associated works from the new roundabout onto the Clongour Road. A large single level car-park, internal roads, signage and alterations to ground levels of the site. These developments will require connection to mains water supply and connection to mains sewer system and associated site works. The proposed development includes for a relocated and improved access to the existing dwelling and zoned lands immediately to the south of the proposed development. A second access to the zoned lands to the south of the proposed development is also included for, off the internal proposed development access roads and associated site works.
The Former Erin Foods Factory Slievenamon Road Clongour, Thurles Town Parks
the demolition of the former Erin Food Factory, associated buildings and structures as well as works to change the levels of the site. The construction of a supermarket (discount foodstore) with ancillary off licence area and a total gross floor area of 2,268; café/restaurant building with a gross floor area of 193; a three storey office building with a gross floor area of 5,542; ESB substation building; new access arrangements and works to Slievenamon Road (N62) and Clongour Road to provide a lighted junction with all associated works above and below ground together with provision for future access to adjoining lands. The development includes riverside amenities and soft and hard landscaping areas, 305 parking spaces to service the above proposed uses (including 15 mobility impaired spaces and 15 Electric Vehicle charging spaces) and 64 cycle parking spaces; all drainage and underground works; lighting across the entire development; signage for the supermarket. The application is accompanied by a Nature Impact Statement
The former Erin Foods Factory Slievenamon Road Clongour, Thurles Town Parks,
construction of a two-storey, drive-thru restaurant (719sqms) and the ancillary sale of hot food for consumption off the premises. The proposed development will also include the provision of vehicular access from the new road being constructed as part of the adjoining development granted under PA Ref: 18601545; 34 parking apaces including 2 number mobility impaired spaces and the provision of 2 number special order spaces (not for general parking), covered bicycle parking (10 number spaces), height restrictor, drive thru menu boards, remote order kiosk, directional boards, landscaping, outdoor seating area and associated fencing and lighting, boundary treatments and all associated site works above and below ground. the application includes a potential future access to lands to the south of the application site