File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
02510129 |
C |
24/05/2002 Friday |
The Sisters of the St. Marie Madeline Postel |
Abbey Street Roscrea Co. Tipperary |
Demolish existing sheds and erect a kitchen extension. |
07510683 |
25/04/2007 Wednesday |
BOM of the Sisters of St. Marie Madeleine Postel |
Parkmore Convent New Line Roscrea |
Construct a new convent home, to be constructed in dormer type construction, upgrading of existing vehicular access, complete with all associated ancillary works and associated site works. |
08510251 |
C |
11/03/2008 Tuesday |
Sisters of St. Marie Madeleine Postel |
Parkmore Convent New Line Roscrea |
convent home, to be constructed in dormer type construction, upgrading of existing vehicular access, complete with all associated ancillary works and associated site works |
10510035 |
C |
03/02/2010 Wednesday |
Sisters of St. Marie Madeline Postel |
Parkmore House Abbey Street Roscrea |
demolition of an existing 1980s single storey structure, fire escape stairwell and caretakers storage area; internal alterations to the existing Parkmore House, which is a protected structure; construction of a new two storey extension to replace the existing 1980s single storey block, comprising bedrooms, administration, communal and service areas to ground floor and bedrooms and service areas to first floor; temporary change of use for the newly constructed convent to the rear of the site (Planning Ref. No. 08510251) to a nursing home to facilitate the phasing of the refurbishment of the existing nursing home and all associated site works |
12510077 |
C |
07/03/2012 Wednesday |
Sisters of St. Marie Madeline Postel |
Mount Carmel Nursing Home Parkmore House Abbey Street Roscrea |
realignment of the eastern wing wall & piers, removal of the existing gate piers & gates and construction of new gate piers and altered gates to create a deeper recessed vehicular entrance off Abbey Street and all associated site works. Parkmore House is a Protected Structure. |
16600762 |
18/08/2016 Thursday |
Sisters of Marie Madeline Postel |
Parkmore House Abbey Street Roscrea |
the extension and refurbishment of Mount Carmel Nursing Home. The proposed development consists of the construction of a new first floor extension over single storey link between 2 no. existing two-storey buildings. Also, reconfiguration of first floor of existing 1990's building to create 4 no. independent living units and re-roofing of same with zinc roof to match existing main building constructed in 2012 ( under planning ref: 10510035), and all associated site and ancillary works |