Planning Application: 10510035 (Tipperary County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Sisters of St. Marie Madeline Postel
Applicant Address:
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Fax Number:
c/o McCarthy O'Hora Associates, Old Church, Church Street, Portlaoise
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
demolition of an existing 1980s single storey structure, fire escape stairwell and caretakers storage area; internal alterations to the existing Parkmore House, which is a protected structure; construction of a new two storey extension to replace the existing 1980s single storey block, comprising bedrooms, administration, communal and service areas to ground floor and bedrooms and service areas to first floor; temporary change of use for the newly constructed convent to the rear of the site (Planning Ref. No. 08510251) to a nursing home to facilitate the phasing of the refurbishment of the existing nursing home and all associated site works
demolition of an existing 1980s single storey structure, fire escape stairwell and caretakers storage area; internal alterations to the existing Parkmore House, which is a protected structure; construction of a new two storey extension to replace the existing 1980s single storey block, comprising bedrooms, administration, communal and service areas to ground floor and bedrooms and service areas to first floor; temporary change of use for the newly constructed convent to the rear of the site (Planning Ref. No. 08510251) to a nursing home to facilitate the phasing of the refurbishment of the existing nursing home and all associated site works
2 no. Terrace blocks consisting of 3 no. 4 bed units in each block with car parking, entrance, landscaping and all associated site works and connection to public services
convent home, to be constructed in dormer type construction, upgrading of existing vehicular access, complete with all associated ancillary works and associated site works
Mount Carmel Nursing Home Parkmore House Abbey Street Roscrea
realignment of the eastern wing wall & piers, removal of the existing gate piers & gates and construction of new gate piers and altered gates to create a deeper recessed vehicular entrance off Abbey Street and all associated site works. Parkmore House is a Protected Structure.
the extension and refurbishment of Mount Carmel Nursing Home. The development involves works within the curtilage of a protected structure. The proposed development consists of the construction of a new first floor extension over single storey link between the 1990's building and 2012 building (constructed in 2012 under planning ref: 10510035). Material alterations and construction of new fire escape stairwell to existing 1990's building and all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application