Planning Application: 08511078 (Tipperary County Council )
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Pallasderg Properties Ltd.,
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
c/o CMG Architects Ltd.,, The Atrium, Blackpool Retail Park, Blackpool, Cork
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
demolition of derelict bungalow, outhouses and haybarn and construction of a mixed use development consisting of 3 no. retail units, 58 dwellings (46 houses & 12 apartments) and a Creche as follows: 6 no. two storey detached houses with optional conservatories, 14 no. two storey semi-detached houses with optional conservatories. 16 no. Terraced houses in 4 no. two storey terraces of 4 houses. 6 no. Terraced houses and 4 apartments in 2 no. two storey terraces of 3 houses and 2 apartments. 3 no. Terraced houses and 2 apartments in a two/three storey terraced building. 1 no. Terraced houses, 2 apartmetns and a Creche in a two storey terraced building. 3 no. retail units and 4 apartments in a two/three storey terraced building. Green area with child play area. Re-alignment of Portroe/Nenagh Road and footpath including adding parking spaces and set-down area in front of Post Office. Setback of boundary across road to facilitate re-alignment of road. The proposed vehicular access to the development is via adjacent development called Pallasderg (Planning refs 03/51/0918, 04/51/0616 and 04/51/1496). There will be pedestrian access and a vehicular access to parking area at rear of retail units directly off the Portroe/Nenagh Road. And all associated site works
demolition of derelict bungalow, outhouses and haybarn and construction of a mixed use development consisting of 3 no. retail units, 58 dwellings (46 houses & 12 apartments) and a Creche as follows: 6 no. two storey detached houses with optional conservatories, 14 no. two storey semi-detached houses with optional conservatories. 16 no. Terraced houses in 4 no. two storey terraces of 4 houses. 6 no. Terraced houses and 4 apartments in 2 no. two storey terraces of 3 houses and 2 apartments. 3 no. Terraced houses and 2 apartments in a two/three storey terraced building. 1 no. Terraced houses, 2 apartmetns and a Creche in a two storey terraced building. 3 no. retail units and 4 apartments in a two/three storey terraced building. Green area with child play area. Re-alignment of Portroe/Nenagh Road and footpath including adding parking spaces and set-down area in front of Post Office. Setback of boundary across road to facilitate re-alignment of road. The proposed vehicular access to the development is via adjacent development called Pallasderg (Planning refs 03/51/0918, 04/51/0616 and 04/51/1496). There will be pedestrian access and a vehicular access to parking area at rear of retail units directly off the Portroe/Nenagh Road. And all associated site works
demolition of derelict bungalow, outhouses and haybarn and construction of 55 dwellings (45 houses, 8 apartments, 2 no. duplex dwellings), creche & 3 no. retail units as follows: 6 no. two storey detached houses with optional conservatories; 12 no. two storey semi-detached houses with optional conservatories; 16 no. terraced houses in 4 no. two storey terraces of 4 houses. 6 no. Terraced houses and 4 apartments in 2 no. two storey terraces of 3 houses and 2 apartments 1 no. 2/3 storey building (Unit no. 1) containing a retail unit, creche, 1 no townhouse, 1 no duplex unit and 3 apartments. 1 no. 2/3 storey building (Unit no 2) containing 2 no retail unit, 4 no. townhouses, 1 no. duplex unit and 1 no apartment. Green area with child play area. Re-alignment of road and footpath to incorporate turning lane. Setback of boundary across road to facilitate re-alignment of road. And all associated site works.