Planning Application: 07511451 (Tipperary County Council )
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Pallasderg Properties Ltd.
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
C/o CMG Architects Ltd., The Atrium, Blackpool Retail Park, Blackpool, Cork
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
demolition of derelict bungalow, outhouses and haybarn and construction of 55 dwellings (45 houses, 8 apartments, 2 no. duplex dwellings), creche & 3 no. retail units as follows: 6 no. two storey detached houses with optional conservatories; 12 no. two storey semi-detached houses with optional conservatories; 16 no. terraced houses in 4 no. two storey terraces of 4 houses. 6 no. Terraced houses and 4 apartments in 2 no. two storey terraces of 3 houses and 2 apartments 1 no. 2/3 storey building (Unit no. 1) containing a retail unit, creche, 1 no townhouse, 1 no duplex unit and 3 apartments. 1 no. 2/3 storey building (Unit no 2) containing 2 no retail unit, 4 no. townhouses, 1 no. duplex unit and 1 no apartment. Green area with child play area. Re-alignment of road and footpath to incorporate turning lane. Setback of boundary across road to facilitate re-alignment of road. And all associated site works.
Permission to construct 25 No. dwell. units- (a) 6 No. House Type C-two storey detached dwell. with opt. garage & conservatory. (b)14 No. House Type D-two storey detached dwelling. (c) 5 No. House Type E-two storey detached dwell. with opt. conservatory. Including all site works and access from public road.
two-storey detached dwelling house within the Pallasderg development (granted permission ref. 03510918, 04510616 & 04511496). The dwelling house will be accessed via the road serving the development with connections to the Council's water, foul water and surface water services serving the above development and all associated site works
demolition of derelict bungalow, outhouses and haybarn and construction of a mixed use development consisting of 3 no. retail units, 58 dwellings (46 houses & 12 apartments) and a Creche as follows: 6 no. two storey detached houses with optional conservatories, 14 no. two storey semi-detached houses with optional conservatories. 16 no. Terraced houses in 4 no. two storey terraces of 4 houses. 6 no. Terraced houses and 4 apartments in 2 no. two storey terraces of 3 houses and 2 apartments. 3 no. Terraced houses and 2 apartments in a two/three storey terraced building. 1 no. Terraced houses, 2 apartmetns and a Creche in a two storey terraced building. 3 no. retail units and 4 apartments in a two/three storey terraced building. Green area with child play area. Re-alignment of Portroe/Nenagh Road and footpath including adding parking spaces and set-down area in front of Post Office. Setback of boundary across road to facilitate re-alignment of road. The proposed vehicular access to the development is via adjacent development called Pallasderg (Planning refs 03/51/0918, 04/51/0616 and 04/51/1496). There will be pedestrian access and a vehicular access to parking area at rear of retail units directly off the Portroe/Nenagh Road. And all associated site works