erect temporary changing rooms and associated facilities at the Centre of Excellence for the promotion of games and activities of Cumann Luthchleas Gael. The development will consist of changing facilities accommodated in 3 number steel prefabricated units manufactured by Secure-Cabin Ltd. Each unit measuring 18.3m by 3.05m contains two number changing areas, showers and toilet facilities. The floor area proposed is 167.5 square metres. Electrical power will be provided by generators. An advanced treatment system with intergrated pumping to a raised polishing filter will be installed to treat effluent
Development Address:
Dunganny , Trim , Co. Meath
Architect Name:
Horgan Lynch
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
erect temporary changing rooms and associated facilities at the Centre of Excellence for the promotion of games and activities of Cumann Luthchleas Gael. The development will consist of changing facilities accommodated in 3 number steel prefabricated units manufactured by Secure-Cabin Ltd. Each unit measuring 18.3m by 3.05m contains two number changing areas, showers and toilet facilities. The floor area proposed is 167.5 square metres. Electrical power will be provided by generators. An advanced treatment system with intergrated pumping to a raised polishing filter will be installed to treat effluent
six number sand carpet type grass pitches and associated surface water drainage, one number all weather training area enclosed by a two metre high post and wire security fence, floodlighting to all pitches, ESB sub-station, diversion and culverting of existing ditch drainage, new entrance gates and blockwork boundary fence topped with a decorative metal railing, modifications to existing road layout to provide additional left and right hand turning lanes. The development will be used as the Centre of Excellence for the promotion of the games and activities of Cumann Luthchleas Geal. ( revisions from that originally submitted include; revised site boundary plan)
development at the existing centre of excellence site, for the promotion of games and activities of Cumann Luthchleas Gael. The development will consist of a new, one / part two storey centre of excellence pavillion building, (previously granted planning permission ref. numbers TA/30408 & TA/60365) including dressing rooms, conference and coaching facilities, meeting rooms, dining, gymnasium and ancillary accommodation with new internal road, car parking, connection to existing wastewater treatment plant and all associated ancillary site works and services
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application