File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
00818 |
C |
18/04/2000 Tuesday |
R Booth & Sons |
Greenhills Beauparc Navan |
a single storey extension to the side of existing abattoir to be used for hanging & clipping, plus a new blood holding tank |
21335 |
23/02/2021 Tuesday |
Dawn Meats Ireland (Unlimited Company) |
Painestown, Seneschalstown, Dollardstown, Hayestown-Carryduff Little & Arcmulchan Navan, Co. Meath |
the development consists of the construction of an extension to an existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) where the works include:- a) Demolition of an existing storage building (17.50m2) and construction of a new single-storey industrial type building to enclose the DAF unit granted planning permission under planning reference LB180300 and to provide new enclosed storage and control rooms (total floor area 119m2). b) Install a new sludge press at intake to WWTP, change aeration tank to anoxic tank, install 2 no. additional aeration tanks, alteration to perimeter berm to increase the footprint of WWTP, by 539m2 to that granted planning permission under planning permission LB180300. C) Treated wastewater rising main from the site of the proposed development to new discharge point at the River Boyne (distance 7.2km), where pipeline shall be laid along a section of Windmill Road, the L1013, Yellow Furze Road, the L1600 (Boyne Road), and the unnamed local road leading from the L1600 to the private lands abutting the River Boyne at the discharge point. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS). This application relates to a development which is for the purposes of an activity which holds an Industrial Emissions Licence (Reg No. P0811-02) |
21424 |
C |
05/03/2021 Friday |
Dawn Meats Ireland (Unlimited Company) |
Painestown, Seneschalstown, Dollardstown Hayestown-Carnuff Little & Ardmulchan Navan, Co. Meath |
the development consists of the construction of an extension to an existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) where the works include:- a) Demolition of an existing storage building (17.50m2) and construction of a new single-storey industrial type building to enclose the DAF unit granted planning permission under planning reference LB180300 and to provide new enclosed storage and control rooms (total floor area 119m2). b) Install a new sludge press at intake to WWTP, change aeration tank to anoxic tank, install 2 no. additional aeration tanks, alteration to perimeter berm to increase the footprint of WWTP, by 539m2 to that granted planning permission under planning permission LB180300. C) Treated wastewater rising main from the site of the proposed development to new discharge point at the River Boyne (distance 7.2km), where pipeline shall be laid along a section of Windmill Road, the L1013, Yellow Furze Road, the L1600 (Boyne Road), and the unnamed local road leading from the L1600 to the private lands abutting the River Boyne at the discharge point. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS). This application relates to a development which is for the purposes of an activity which holds an Industrial Emissions Licence (Reg No. P0811-02).Significant Further Information/Revised plans submitted on this application |
LB140803 |
C |
10/09/2014 Wednesday |
Dunbia (Slane) |
Painstown Beauparc Navan, Co. Meath |
development will comprise the following: (i) Intensification of livestock slaughtering activites at the existing meat plant; (ii) Demolition and removal of existing offices as required under Condition no 3 of planning permission SA/140210; (iii) Construction of 210m2 of new offices, staff welfare and storage facilities at the location of the demountable structure referred to in (ii) above; (iv) Change of use of an existing farmhouse from residential use to office use (153m2); (v) Construction of 112m2 of additional lairage facilities; (vi) Construction of a 18m2 green offal processing room abutting the main factory building; (vii) Construction of an external gantry to support a stomach press (20m2); (viii) Construction of a 4m2 pumphouse; (ix) Addition of 5 no. new ancillary car parking spaces. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be submitted with the planning application to the Planning Authority. The application is in respect of an activity which requires an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence (IPPC). Significant Further Information /Revised plans submitted on this application |
LB161202 |
C |
07/11/2016 Monday |
Dunbia (Slane) |
Painestown Beauparc Navan. Co. Meath |
the development shall consist of: - Construction of single storey extension (82.38m2) to north elevation of existing Bovine Slaughtering Building, to include extension to Offal Process Area with covered bin storage area, Locker Room & Laundry Store |
LB180192 |
28/02/2018 Wednesday |
Dunbia (Slane) |
Painestown Beauparc, Navan, Co. Meath |
the development consists of the construction of extension to an existing waste water treatment plant to include: - a) Coarse & fine screen, Balance tank, Sludge tank, Sludge press, Anoxic tank, Aeration tank, Clarifier, Sand Filter, Treated effluent pump sump, Coagulant storage tank, Odour Scrubber Unit, Control building And relocation of existing DAF unit. b) Associated site development works, including earth berm to perimeter of extended treatment plant and landscaping,. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR). This application relates to a development which is for the purposes of an activity which holds an Industrial emissions licence |
LB180300 |
C |
23/03/2018 Friday |
Dunbia (Slane) |
Painestown Beauparc, Navan, Co. Meath |
the development consists of the construction of extension to an existing waste water treatment plant to include: - a) Coarse & fine screen, Balance tank, Sludge tank, Sludge press, Anoxic tank, Aeration tank, Clarifier, Sand Filter, Treated effluent pump sump, Coagulant storage tank, Odour Scrubber Unit, Control building and relocation of existing DAF unit. b) Associated site development works, including earth berm to perimeter of extended treatment plant and landscaping,. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR). This application relates to a development which operates the activity 7.4.1 of Schedule 1 of the EPA Acts 2003 to 2013, under an Industrial Emissions Licence (formerly Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence) |
LB181444 |
C |
05/12/2018 Wednesday |
Dawn Meats |
Painestown Beauparc Navan, Co. Meath |
the construction of a two-storey extension to the north elevation of the Bovine Slaughtering Building: - a) Ground floor area to include Offal Process Area with Chill, Covered Bin Storage Area, Boxed Offal Chill, Offices, Amenities including toilets, changing rooms, laundry rooms, and Canteen. b) First floor level to include Offices, Toilets and Extension to Box Store. c) Associated site development works, including demolition of existing office/amenity pre-fabricated building |
SA20110 |
C |
02/04/2002 Tuesday |
Newgrange Meats |
Painstown Navan Co Meath |
a two storey extension to the front and rear of existing abattoir and all auxiliary site works and services. Further Information/revised plans submitted with revisions including revised site boundaries, new car parking spaces, to fill in existing septic tank and to install a new BAF sewerage treatment system and also to install 2 no. underground storage tanks under current planning ref no.SA20110 |
SA30332 |
C |
22/10/2003 Wednesday |
Newgrange Meats Ltd |
Painestown Navan
to construct an integrated constructed wetland system to treat wash-waters and yard-waters from the exxisting Newgrange Meats process facility |
SA140158 |
06/03/2014 Thursday |
Dunbia (Slane), |
Painestown Beauparc Navan, Co. Meath |
(i) retention of extensions to the side chill in three units of c. 155m2 and c. 143m2 and c. 46m2 and extension to the existing lairage of c. 237m2; (ii) retention of change of use of separate lairage extension of c. 153m2 from agricultural use to commercial use; (iii) retention of ancillary development comprising c. 93m2 of existing green offal chills, c. 301m2 of existing office and staff welfare facilities, 3 no. separate surface parking areas to accommodate 51 no. surface car parking spaces and 6 no. delivery/dispatch vehicles, together with lairage yard extension of c. 1025m2 and associated site infrastructure works. Planning permission is also sought for works required to facilitate rain water harvesting, enhancement of water supply and upgrading of on-site drainage and surface water management infrastructure. The application relates to development for the purpose of an activity requiring and Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence |
SA140210 |
C |
21/03/2014 Friday |
Dunbia (Slane), |
Painestown Beauparc Navan, Co. Meath |
(i) retention of extensions to the side chill in three units of c. 155m2 and c. 143m2 and c. 46m2 and extension to the existing lairage of c. 237m2; (ii) retention of change of use of separate lairage extension of c. 153m2 from agricultural use to commercial use; (iii) retention of ancillary development comprising a trailer port, c. 93m2 of existing green offal chills, c. 301m2 of existing office and staff welfare facilities, 3 no. separate surface parking areas to accommodate 51 no. surface car parking spaces and 6 no. delivery/dispatch vehicles, together with lairage yard extension of c. 1025m2 and associated site infrastructure works. Planning permission is also sought for works required to facilitate rain water harvesting, enhancement of water supply and upgrading of on-site drainage and surface water management infrastructure. The application relates to development for the purpose of an activity requiring an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence |
SA800934 |
05/03/2008 Wednesday |
Dunbia (Slane) |
Greenhills Beauparc Navan |
2 No. effluent Aeration tanks, control building and additional smaller storage tanks for effluent treatment purposes. An Integrated Pollution Control licence has been applied for. |