modifications to a previously permitted hotel development under Meath County Council Register Reference SA/40505 previously modified by planning application reg. ref. SA/60007 and reg. ref.SA/60011.The modifications for which this permission is sought comprise of the conversion of 14 no. hotel bedrooms to 9. no. meeting rooms with associated w.c.facilities, lobbies and furniture store all at first floor level;conversion of hotel bedrooms into 1 no. bedroom suite at fifth floor level;conversion of 2 no. hotel bedrooms into 1 no. bedroom suite at sixth floor level, conversion of administration room to linen store and plant room on second to fifth floors inclusive;conversion of administration room to plant space at sixth floor level;conversion to linen room to administration space on second to six floors inclusive. These internal modifications will result in no external elevational changes. These modifications result in no changes to total hotel gross floor area as previously permitted (9,154sqm),however total no. of bedrooms provided will reduce from 144 no.bedrooms to 128 no. bedrooms.
Development Address:
Gormanston , Co. Meath
Architect Name:
Declan Brassil
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Stamullin - Part of
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
modifications to a previously permitted hotel development under Meath County Council Register Reference SA/40505 previously modified by planning application reg. ref. SA/60007 and reg. ref.SA/60011.The modifications for which this permission is sought comprise of the conversion of 14 no. hotel bedrooms to 9. no. meeting rooms with associated w.c.facilities, lobbies and furniture store all at first floor level;conversion of hotel bedrooms into 1 no. bedroom suite at fifth floor level;conversion of 2 no. hotel bedrooms into 1 no. bedroom suite at sixth floor level, conversion of administration room to linen store and plant room on second to fifth floors inclusive;conversion of administration room to plant space at sixth floor level;conversion to linen room to administration space on second to six floors inclusive. These internal modifications will result in no external elevational changes. These modifications result in no changes to total hotel gross floor area as previously permitted (9,154sqm),however total no. of bedrooms provided will reduce from 144 no.bedrooms to 128 no. bedrooms.
modifications to a previously permitted hotel development under Meath County Council Register Reference SA/40505 modifications to amendment of planning application boundary to facilitate re-alignment of the permitted access road from the existing M1 interchange to the south of the permitted hotel, re-positioning of the permitted roundabout at the south west corner of the site, and consequential amendments to the car parking layout and landscaping to the hotel forefront.
modifications to a previously permitted hotel development under Meath County Council Register Ref no. SA40505 . This permitted development is subject to concurrent planning application reg ref SA60007. The modification for which this permission is sought comprise of a single storey extension , of 669.17sqm gross floor area , to the south of the permitted hotel to include extended function room, kitchen residents lounge and associtated w.c facilities, service area, circualtion space and storeage areas extension to foyer area, of 72 sqm gross floor area, at the permitted hotel main entrance at ground floor level only and associated amendments to the layout of the south eastern corner of th ehotel carpark to accomodate the proposed hotel extension. These modifications result in a total hotel gross floor area of 8314.15sqm (7.572.98sqm previously permitted under reg ref SA40505)with the total number of 244 car parking spaces (195 previously permitted under Reg Ref SA40505)
a retail warehouse development comprising 1 no. Anchor Unit Measuring 4,450 sq.m.(gross)and 2 no. retail warehouse units each measuring 700sq.m.(gross).The total gross floor area of the development is 8,058sq.m.The development will also include car parking, extension of access road currently under construction under Reg: Ref:SA/40505 as may be modified by the concurrent application under Reg: Ref:SA/60007, public & service entrances, internal roads and all associated site and development works and landscaping.
consists of the revision to the development granted under planning register reference SA/40505, as poroposed to be amended under planning register reference SA/60007, to relocate the proposed approved temporary Wastewater Treatment Works to a new Southside of the Stamullen to Gormanston Road (county road 440)adjacent to the M1 motorway.
construction of a warehouse development to comprise of 2 no. blocks of incubator units (4832sqm gross floor area each)subdivided into 12 no. units (total of 24 no. incubator units provided);1 no. warehouse unit of 3,960sqm gross floor area and 1 no. warehouse unit of 5,909sqm gross floor area.Warehouse units include ancillary uses including reception area, w.c. facilities, office and circulation areas at ground and part first floor level. The total gross floor area of the proposed development is 19,533sqm. The development also provides for the provision of car-parking:extension of access road peritted under Reg. Ref.SA/60007 provision of internal roads and all associated site and development works and landscaping.