modifications to a previously permitted hotel development under Meath County Council Register Ref no. SA40505 . This permitted development is subject to concurrent planning application reg ref SA60007. The modification for which this permission is sought comprise of a single storey extension , of 669.17sqm gross floor area , to the south of the permitted hotel to include extended function room, kitchen residents lounge and associtated w.c facilities, service area, circualtion space and storeage areas extension to foyer area, of 72 sqm gross floor area, at the permitted hotel main entrance at ground floor level only and associated amendments to the layout of the south eastern corner of th ehotel carpark to accomodate the proposed hotel extension. These modifications result in a total hotel gross floor area of 8314.15sqm (7.572.98sqm previously permitted under reg ref SA40505)with the total number of 244 car parking spaces (195 previously permitted under Reg Ref SA40505)
Development Address:
Gormanston , Co Meath
Architect Name:
Henry J Lyons & Partners
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Stamullin - Part of
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
modifications to a previously permitted hotel development under Meath County Council Register Ref no. SA40505 . This permitted development is subject to concurrent planning application reg ref SA60007. The modification for which this permission is sought comprise of a single storey extension , of 669.17sqm gross floor area , to the south of the permitted hotel to include extended function room, kitchen residents lounge and associtated w.c facilities, service area, circualtion space and storeage areas extension to foyer area, of 72 sqm gross floor area, at the permitted hotel main entrance at ground floor level only and associated amendments to the layout of the south eastern corner of th ehotel carpark to accomodate the proposed hotel extension. These modifications result in a total hotel gross floor area of 8314.15sqm (7.572.98sqm previously permitted under reg ref SA40505)with the total number of 244 car parking spaces (195 previously permitted under Reg Ref SA40505)
the construction of a part 1 storey, part 4 storey plus penthouse hotel, comprising of 136 no. bedrooms and 1 no. 2 bed hotel suite(6312 sq.m gross in total). The hotel will comprise foyer, reception , business centre and meeting rooms, bar, restaurant and ancillary facilities and 30 no. hotel bedrooms at ground floor, 36 no. bedrooms at first floor, 36 no. bedrooms at second floor, 34 no. bedrooms at third floor and 1 no. 2 bedroom hotel suite over third floor and penthouse level. Also, 206 no. car parking spaces, 2 no. bus parking spaces and external service area associated with hotel; hard and soft landscaping; set down area external to hotel; and associated development and infrastructural services works. A new accesss road will be constructed from the existing M1 interchange(on part land owned by Meath County Council) to the south of the proposed hotel. A new roundabout will be constructed at the south west corner of the site at the end of this new road. Access to the proposed hotel will be via new access roads to the west and north site boundaries from the new roundabout
modifications to a previously permitted hotel development under Meath County Council Register Reference SA/40505 modifications to amendment of planning application boundary to facilitate re-alignment of the permitted access road from the existing M1 interchange to the south of the permitted hotel, re-positioning of the permitted roundabout at the south west corner of the site, and consequential amendments to the car parking layout and landscaping to the hotel forefront.