File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
21304 |
C |
18/02/2021 Thursday |
Glenveagh Homes Ltd. |
Lands to the North of the Windtown / Proudstown link road Clonmagadden Navan |
amendments to the south-eastern portion (0.7ha) of a residential development permitted under Meath County Council Reg. Ref. NA/181326 and currently under construction. The proposed development seeks to replace a permitted 4 storey apartment block containing 40 no. units (consisting of 17 no. 1 bed units, 20 no. 2 bed units and 3 no. 3 bed units) with 23 no. dwellings. The proposed dwellings consist of 20 no. two storey houses (17 no. 3 bed units and 3 no. 2 bed units) and a three-storey triple block of 3 no. 1 bed apartments. The proposed development includes ancillary car parking, open space provision, landscaping, public lighting, and pedestrian connections, together with internal access roads, footpaths and site services that integrate with the permitted Phase 1 development (known as Cluain Adain) under Meath County Council Reg. Ref. NA/151046 to the west and all associated and ancillary site and development works |
22395 |
C |
30/03/2022 Wednesday |
Glenveagh Homes Ltd |
Lands To The North Of Windtown/Proudstown Link Road Clonmagadden Navan, Co. Meath |
the construction of: 36 no. sheltered housing units comprising 30 no. 2 bed single storey units (Unit TypesS1, S1A, S2, S2A, S3 and S3A) and 6 no. 3 bed, two storey units (Unit Type A1); associated car parking (46 no. spaces including 4 no. disabled spaces); 2 no. communal open space areas (1,630 sqm total provision); 1 no single storey community building of 355 sqm and associated car parking (23 no. spaces) and bicycle parking (24 no. spaces); 1 no. single storey childcare facility of 363sqm including a dedicated outdoor secure play area, associated car parking (11 no. spaces) bicycle parking(10 no. spaces) and a set down /drop off area; 1 no. single storey retail unit of 928 sqm (net retail floor area of 635 sqm) including an ancillary café unit, an enclosed loading bay area, an external loading bay/set down area, bicycle parking (8 no. spaces) and a car parking area ( 42 no. spaces including 3 no. disabled spaces); 1 no. public plaza to the south of the retail unit and east of the childcare facility; and 2 no. public open space areas located to the north of the retail unit (470 sqm) and to the west of the sheltered housing units (4990 sqm including a children's play area). The proposed development also includes all associated and ancillary site and development works, services infrastructure, landscaping, public lighting, internal access roads and footpaths. Pedestrian/vehicular and service connections are provided to integrate with the Phase 1 and 2 residential development as Cluain Adain) surrounding the site, permitted and constructed under Meath County Council Reg. Refs. NA/151046 & NA181326, respectively. The proposed development amends permitted and constructed elements of the Cluain Adain residential development under Meath County Council Reg. Refs. NA/151046 and NA181326 though the relocation of 2 no. existing vehicular/pedestrian access points along the northern boundary of the site with Cluain Adain Way; the provision of 1 no. additional vehicular/vehicular access point from Cluain Adain Way; the creation of 2 no. vehicular/pedestrian access points to Cluain Adain Rise along the southern boundary, including the omission of an existing hammerhead and the relocation/reconfiguration of 7 no. visitor spaces constructed to serve the Phase 2 houses to the south of the site. This application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) |
22924 |
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12/07/2022 Tuesday |
Glenveagh Homes Ltd |
Lands north of Clonmagaddan road Clonmagaddan Navan |
LARGE SCALE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT for the construction of 138 no. residential units comprising:
6 no. one bed triplex units in 2 no. three storey blocks located in the north-western and south-western portions of the site.
32 no. duplex units in 2 no. three storey blocks located centrally in the northern portion of the site, comprising 16 no. two bed units and 16 no. three bed units.
24 no. two bed terraced houses.
10 no. three bed, 2 storey, terraced/semi-detached edge houses.An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development. |
221558 |
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01/12/2022 Thursday |
Glenveagh Homes Ltd, |
Lands to the north of the Clonmagaddan Road Clonmagaddan Navan, Co Meath |
amendments to the south-eastern portion (0.71ha) of a residential development permitted under Meath County Council Reg. Ref. NA/181326. The proposed development seeks to replace a permitted 4 storey apartment block containnig 40 no. units (consisting of 17 no. 1 bed units, 20 no. 2 bed units and 3 no. 3 bed units) with 29 no. dwellings. The proposed dwellings consist of 14 no. two storey houses (11 no. 3 bed units and 3 no. 2 bed units), a three-storey triplex block of 3 no. 1 bed apartments and 12 no. 1 bed maisonette units in 3 no. 2 storey blocks. The proposed development includes ancillary car parking, open space provision, landscaping, public lighting and pedestrain connections together with internal access roads, footpaths and site services that integrate with the permitted Phase 1 development (known as Cluain Adain) under Meath County Council Reg. Ref. NA/151046 to the west and all associated and ancillary site and development works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application |
231146 |
U |
19/12/2023 Tuesday |
Glenveagh Homes Ltd, |
Clonmagadden Navan Co Meath |
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF NO: NA/181326 - the development will consist of a total of 99 no. new residential dwellings to include 40 No. apartments (comprising 17 x 1-bedroom; 20 x 2-bedroom and 3 x 3-bedroom units) within a 4-storey apartment block and 59 No. two-storey houses (comprising 31 x 2-bedroom; 26 x 3-bedroom and 2 x 4-bedroom houses). A mix of terraced (43 no.) and semi-detached (16 no.) housing forms are proposed. Provision is made for a total of 166 no. ancillary residential car parking spaces, comprising 87 no. within curtilage parking spaces associated with the proposed houses and 17 no. on-street visitor spaces. A total of 62 no. on-street ancillary car parking spaces are provided in connection with the proposed apartment block of which 10 no. spaces will be for visitors. Ancillary bin and bicycle storerooms (40 spaces) plus 12 visitor cycle storage spaces are also provided to serve the proposed apartment block. Other works include the provision of public open spaces; associated site works; infrastructure provision to include access roads (and associated pedestrian footpaths) serving the proposed dwellings which integrates and link with the road network previously approved under Planning Permission Ref. NA/151046 (Phase 1). An Electrical Switch room/Gas Meter room and Break Tank room are provided at ground floor level within the proposed apartment block |
24182 |
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01/05/2024 Wednesday |
Newkey Homes (Navan) Ltd |
Juction Of Cluain Adain Way & Clonmaggaden Road Clonmagadden Navan, Co. Meath |
the development will consist of an amendment to the permitted single storey retail building as granted under Reg. Ref. No. 22/395 and will comprise: (I) the amalgamation and change of use of the permitted retail unit and ancillary café to provide for a single retail unit (c. 980.70 sq.m GFA) including an ancillary alcohol sales area (c. 66.1 sq.m.) within the permitted building; (ii) associated plant area to be provided at roof level; (iii) minor works including new bi-parting doors and louvres to the western and eastern elevation; and (iv) all ancillary site services and site development works |
24434 |
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13/11/2024 Wednesday |
Newkey Homes (Navan) Ltd |
Junction Of Cluain Adain Way & Clonmaggaden Road Clonmagadden Navan, Co. Meath |
the development will consist of an amendment to the permitted single storey retail building (currently under construction) as granted under Reg. Ref. No. 22/395 and will comprise of the amalgamation of the retail unit and café, with a change of use from café to retail, to provide a single retail unit (c. 980.70 sq.m gross floor area) with ancillary alcohol sales area and all ancillary site services and site development works |
2460282 |
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25/04/2024 Thursday |
Marina Quarter Ltd. |
Clonmagadden (townland) Navan Co, Meath |
Permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development - The development will consist of: 1. Modifications to a Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) permitted under Meath County Council ref. 22/924 and An Bord Pleanála ref. 314744. The proposed modifications to the LRD include amendments to the permitted street layout to provide access and connectivity to the proposed development. 2. The construction of 91 no. sheltered housing units, comprising 16 no. 1 bed bungalows, 53 no. 2 bed bungalows, and 22 no. 2 bed two-storey houses, and all associated site development works, including 1 no. ESB substation, drainage (including a connection to the wastewater pumping station permitted under Meath County Council ref. 22/924 and An Bord Pleanála ref. 314744), the undergrounding of existing overhead electricity lines, amenity areas and access including a pedestrian connection to Dunloe Drive and the provision of footpath and vehicular access connecting to the existing access road (serving Scoil Naomh Eoin) and Tailteann Drive to the south of the site. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been submitted to the planning authority with the application. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application |
NA151046 |
C |
06/10/2015 Tuesday |
Targeted Investment Opportunities PLC |
North Of The Windtown/Proudstown Link Road Clonmagadden Navan, Co. Meath |
to construct 106 no. two storey dwellings on land north of the Windtown/Proudstown link road, Clonmagadden, Navan, Co. Meath. The proposal consists of (i) 9 no. 4 bedroom detached, (ii) 22 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached, (iii) 44 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached, (iv) 23 no. 3 bedroom terraced, (v) 8 no. 2 bedroom terraced, (vi) associated landscape and amenity areas, (vii) new junction and access at Windtown/Proundstown link road, (viii) internal road, cycle track and footpaths (ix) pedestrian and cycle path connection to Tailteann Drive, (x) attenuation area and (xi) all associated and ancillary works. The proposal forms part of Phase 1 of an overall Masterplan for the wider area. Significant Further information / Revised plans submitted on this application |
NA803290 |
C |
10/12/2008 Wednesday |
Joe O'Reilly & Colm O'Rourke |
Clonmaggadan Navan Co Meath |
a mixed use development comprising of residential, retail, office, public house and restaurant, music school, nursing home, creche, community centre, boiler house, civic space and ancillary and associated uses on a site of 21.8188 hectares (53.892 acres). The total development comprises of 370 no. residential units, 16,210.6 sq. m of retail and commercial uses, a civic square of 2,352 sq. m and a total of 1,033 no. car parking spaces, (1,033 surface spaces, 30 basement parking spaces, accessed via internal road). The site is bounded to the north by undeveloped zoned lands to the west by proposed sites for a primary and secondary schools, to the east by existing recreational amenities, and to the south by the link road connecting Proudstown Road with Ratholdren Road. The development will be accessed from a new vehicular and pedestrian entrance from the link road connecting Proudstown Road with Ratholdren Road. The residential element will consist of the construction of 370 residential units, comprising of 11 no. 4 bed 2 storey detached units (Type A), 50 no. 4 bed 2 storey semi-detached units (Type D), 74 no. 3 bed 2 storey semi-detached units (Types B and C), 49 no. 2 bed 2 storey mews units (Types E and F), 42 no. 2 bed 2 storey townhouses (Type G), 71 no. 3 bed 2 storey townhouses (Types H, M and N), 35 no. 3 storey duplex units, consisting of 14 no. 3 bed duplex units 7 no. 2 bed apartments and 7 no. 1 bed apartments, all with private terraces and balconies (Type J), 14 no. 2 bed 2 storey duplex units (Type K) and 24 appartments consisting of 7 no. 1 bed units and 17 no. 2 bed units, all with private terraces and balconies, cycle spaces, landscaping and associated site works. The Nursing Home consists of 97 bedrooms and associated ancillary rooms, with a gross floor area of 8,429.0 sq m with 4 storey height. The office element has a combined gross floor area of 2,534 sq m with a 4 storey height and includes provision for elderly day care and general medical practioners. The retail element provides for 12 no. retail units, with a combined gross floor area of 1,615.6 sq m, a restaurant with a gross floor area of 288.5 sq m and a community centre with a gross floor area of 422.2 sq m ground floor uses. The retail structure ranges from 3 to 5 story's in height and levels 2 to 5 contain 24 no. apartments, as described above. Basement parking for 30 vehicles is provided in the basement carpark. The public house and restaurant *TEXT MISSING* |