Planning application details ref: 22395 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: 22395 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: 22395
Received Date: 30/03/2022 Decision Due Date: 24/05/2022
Validated Date: 30/03/2022 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 24/05/2022
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 03/05/2022

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Glenveagh Homes Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: the construction of: 36 no. sheltered housing units comprising 30 no. 2 bed single storey units (Unit TypesS1, S1A, S2, S2A, S3 and S3A) and 6 no. 3 bed, two storey units (Unit Type A1); associated car parking (46 no. spaces including 4 no. disabled spaces); 2 no. communal open space areas (1,630 sqm total provision); 1 no single storey community building of 355 sqm and associated car parking (23 no. spaces) and bicycle parking (24 no. spaces); 1 no. single storey childcare facility of 363sqm including a dedicated outdoor secure play area, associated car parking (11 no. spaces) bicycle parking(10 no. spaces) and a set down /drop off area; 1 no. single storey retail unit of 928 sqm (net retail floor area of 635 sqm) including an ancillary café unit, an enclosed loading bay area, an external loading bay/set down area, bicycle parking (8 no. spaces) and a car parking area ( 42 no. spaces including 3 no. disabled spaces); 1 no. public plaza to the south of the retail unit and east of the childcare facility; and 2 no. public open space areas located to the north of the retail unit (470 sqm) and to the west of the sheltered housing units (4990 sqm including a children's play area). The proposed development also includes all associated and ancillary site and development works, services infrastructure, landscaping, public lighting, internal access roads and footpaths. Pedestrian/vehicular and service connections are provided to integrate with the Phase 1 and 2 residential development as Cluain Adain) surrounding the site, permitted and constructed under Meath County Council Reg. Refs. NA/151046 & NA181326, respectively. The proposed development amends permitted and constructed elements of the Cluain Adain residential development under Meath County Council Reg. Refs. NA/151046 and NA181326 though the relocation of 2 no. existing vehicular/pedestrian access points along the northern boundary of the site with Cluain Adain Way; the provision of 1 no. additional vehicular/vehicular access point from Cluain Adain Way; the creation of 2 no. vehicular/pedestrian access points to Cluain Adain Rise along the southern boundary, including the omission of an existing hammerhead and the relocation/reconfiguration of 7 no. visitor spaces constructed to serve the Phase 2 houses to the south of the site. This application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS)
Development Address: Lands To The North Of Windtown/Proudstown Link Road, Clonmagadden, Navan, Co. Meath
Architect Name: Declan Brassil Location Key: CLONMAGADDAN
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: Gerard Kellett
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: "Application contains Natura Impact Statement (NIS) not EIA(R)"


Decision Date: 24/05/2022 Manager Order: 917/22
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 27
Grant Date: 14/07/2022 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 13/07/2027
Decision Description: the construction of: 36 no. sheltered housing units comprising 30 no. 2 bed single storey units (Unit TypesS1, S1A, S2, S2A, S3 and S3A) and 6 no. 3 bed, two storey units (Unit Type A1); associated car parking (46 no. spaces including 4 no. disabled spaces); 2 no. communal open space areas (1,630 sqm total provision); 1 no single storey community building of 355 sqm and associated car parking (23 no. spaces) and bicycle parking (24 no. spaces); 1 no. single storey childcare facility of 363sqm including a dedicated outdoor secure play area, associated car parking (11 no. spaces) bicycle parking(10 no. spaces) and a set down /drop off area; 1 no. single storey retail unit of 928 sqm (net retail floor area of 635 sqm) including an ancillary café unit, an enclosed loading bay area, an external loading bay/set down area, bicycle parking (8 no. spaces) and a car parking area ( 42 no. spaces including 3 no. disabled spaces); 1 no. public plaza to the south of the retail unit and east of the childcare facility; and 2 no. public open space areas located to the north of the retail unit (470 sqm) and to the west of the sheltered housing units (4990 sqm including a children's play area). The proposed development also includes all associated and ancillary site and development works, services infrastructure, landscaping, public lighting, internal access roads and footpaths. Pedestrian/vehicular and service connections are provided to integrate with the Phase 1 and 2 residential development as Cluain Adain) surrounding the site, permitted and constructed under Meath County Council Reg. Refs. NA/151046 & NA181326, respectively. The proposed development amends permitted and constructed elements of the Cluain Adain residential development under Meath County Council Reg. Refs. NA/151046 and NA181326 though the relocation of 2 no. existing vehicular/pedestrian access points along the northern boundary of the site with Cluain Adain Way; the provision of 1 no. additional vehicular/pedestrian access point from Cluain Adain Way; the creation of 2 no. vehicular/pedestrian access points to Cluain Adain Rise along the southern boundary, including the omission of an existing hammerhead and the relocation/reconfiguration of 7 no. visitor spaces constructed to serve the Phase 2 houses to the south of the site. This application s accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS)

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: