a 20 year permission for development of a 13.5 hectare extension to its existing Overburden Management Facility (OBMF) on an overall site of 43.5 hectares, which includes the existing OBMF. The proposed extension will be limited to a height of 86m above ordnance datum, which is consistent with the height of the existing OBMF. The application includes for a new at-grade crossing of the existing Local Road L5612, and for the closing of the existing at-grade crossing together with associated site development, drainage, fencing, landscaping and other ancillary works. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAR). The application relates to a development which requires an Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Licence and the facility operates pursuant to an existing IED Licence (EPA Ref No. P0030-05)
the retention (5ha in extent) and extension (9ha in extent) of the existing overburden disposal mound and the extension (5ha in extent) of the existing quarry for the continued extraction of limestone
a 20 year permission for development of a 13.5 hectare extension to its existing Overburden Management Facility (OBMF) on an overall site of 43.5 hectares, which includes the existing OBMF. The proposed extension will be limited to a height of 86m above ordnance datum, which is consistent with the height of the existing OBMF. The application includes for a new at-grade crossing of the existing Local Road L5612, and for the closing of the existing at-grade crossing together with associated site development, drainage, fencing, landscaping and other ancillary works. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAR). The application relates to a development which requires an Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Licence and the facility operates pursuant to an existing IED Licence (EPA Ref No. P0030-05)
a 20 year permission for development of a 13.5 hectare extension to its existing Overburden Management Facility (OBMF) on an overall site of 43.5 hectares, which includes the existing OBMF. The proposed extension will be limited to a height of 86m above ordnance datum, which is consistent with the height of the existing OBMF. The application includes for a new at-grade crossing of the existing Local Road L5612, and for the closing of the existing at-grade crossing together with associated site development, drainage, fencing, landscaping and other ancillary works. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR). The application relates to a development which requires an Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Licence and the facility operates pursuant to an existing IED Licence (EPA Ref No. P0030-05)