a 20 year permission for development of a 13.5 hectare extension to its existing Overburden Management Facility (OBMF) on an overall site of 43.5 hectares, which includes the existing OBMF. The proposed extension will be limited to a height of 86m above ordnance datum, which is consistent with the height of the existing OBMF. The application includes for a new at-grade crossing of the existing Local Road L5612, and for the closing of the existing at-grade crossing together with associated site development, drainage, fencing, landscaping and other ancillary works. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAR). The application relates to a development which requires an Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Licence and the facility operates pursuant to an existing IED Licence (EPA Ref No. P0030-05)
a 20 year permission for development of a 13.5 hectare extension to its existing Overburden Management Facility (OBMF) on an overall site of 43.5 hectares, which includes the existing OBMF. The proposed extension will be limited to a height of 86m above ordnance datum, which is consistent with the height of the existing OBMF. The application includes for a new at-grade crossing of the existing Local Road L5612, and for the closing of the existing at-grade crossing together with associated site development, drainage, fencing, landscaping and other ancillary works. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAR). The application relates to a development which requires an Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Licence and the facility operates pursuant to an existing IED Licence (EPA Ref No. P0030-05)