a bioenergy plant producing wood and energy crop biofuels, and green electricity for export to the national grid. The proposed development comprises of an extension of an established wood and energy crop storage, drying and processing facility manufacturing biofuel products, permitted under Meath County Council Reg. Refs. KA70057 and KA70610. It is proposed to store, dry and process plant biomass, wood and energy crops for the manufacture of briquettes and pellet biofuels. The proposed development includes for the introduction of an integrated combined heat and power (CHP) plant utilising wood and plant biomass fuels to generate the electrical power required for the Bioenergy plant. Surplus electrical output will be exported to the national grid as green carbon-neutral electricity, and surplus recovered heat from the CHP process will be used in the biofuel drying process. The proposed development will include the following: material preparation and storage building (1,280sqm); CHP plant building (2880sqm) and associated emissions stack of 30m above ground level; wet chip silo and dryer building (1210sqm); dried wood storage building (1280sqm); solid biofuel manufacturing building (1280sqm); maintenance and storage building (220sqm); 2 No. hardstanding storage areas of 2.14ha and 7.78ha respectively; 2 No. water storage lagoons; ESB substation (84sqm); ancillary two storey office building (870sqm); weighbridge and weighbridge office (19sqm); proprietary wastewater treatment system and associated percolation percolation area; perimeter fence and landscaping; new vehicular entrance to the N52 national road and gated entrance avenue; and all associated development works and landscaping on an overall site area of 19.85ha
a bioenergy plant producing wood and energy crop biofuels, and green electricity for export to the national grid. The proposed development comprises of an extension of an established wood and energy crop storage, drying and processing facility manufacturing biofuel products, permitted under Meath County Council Reg. Refs. KA70057 and KA70610. It is proposed to store, dry and process plant biomass, wood and energy crops for the manufacture of briquettes and pellet biofuels. The proposed development includes for the introduction of an integrated combined heat and power (CHP) plant utilising wood and plant biomass fuels to generate the electrical power required for the bioenergy plant. Surplus electrical output will be exported to the national grid as green carbon-neutral electricity, and surplus recovered heat from the CHP process will be used in the biofuel drying process. The proposed development will include the following: material preparation and storage building (1,280sq.m); CHP plant building (2880sq.m) and associated emissions stack of 30m above ground level; wet chip silo and dryer building (1210sq.m); dried wood storage building (1280sq.m); solid biofuel manufacturing building (1280sq.m); maintenance and storage building (220sq.m); 2 No. hardstanding storage areas of 2.14ha and 7.78ha respectively; 2 No. water storage lagoons; ESB substation (84sq.m); ancillary two storey office building (870sq.m); weighbridge and weighbridge office (19sq.m); proprietary wastewater treatment system and associated percolation area; perimeter fence and landscaping; new vehicular entrance to the N52 national road and gated entrance avenue; and all associated development works and landscaping on an overall site area of 19.85ha. Significant further information/revised plans submitted for this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application