the development will consist of the following: Retention Permission for (A) A proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area (B) Ancillary site works and landscaping. Planning Permission for: (A) To construct a one and a half storied type three bedroom self catering tourist accommodation building (B) To upgrade the existing waste water treatment system and percolation area (C) To provide additional car parking spaces (D) To remove 1 No. Yurt structure to facilitate the proposed new building (E) and all ancillary site works
Development Address:
Drumsawry or Summerbank Td., Oldcastle, Co. Meath
Architect Name:
Michael Hetherton
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Gerard Kellett
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
the development will consist of the following: Retention Permission for (A) A proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area (B) Ancillary site works and landscaping. Planning Permission for: (A) To construct a one and a half storied type three bedroom self catering tourist accommodation building (B) To upgrade the existing waste water treatment system and percolation area (C) To provide additional car parking spaces (D) To remove 1 No. Yurt structure to facilitate the proposed new building (E) and all ancillary site works
(1) retention permission,:retention of existing toilet and washroom facilities in existing building for existing campsite use, (2) planning permission: permission for new effluent treatment system and percolation area to serve the existing toilet and washroom facilities, (3) change of use: change of use of lands to south of existing campsite from agriculture to campsite use
the development consists of and will consist of the following: Retention Permission for: 1) Existing dormer style log cabin operating as tourism accommodation ancillary to adjoining campsite, 2) Existing waste water treatment system, 3) Ancillary site works. Permission for: 1) To close up existing entrance and remove hardcore surfaced driveway serving the dormer style log cabin, 2) To use the existing entrance to the yurts area of the site along with internal gravelled roadway to access the log cabin building, 3) To carry out alterations to the existing log cabin to include the following: a) Remove front entrance lobby and storage area including cutting back of roof area over, b) Removal of balcony area on gable end, c) Cutting back and removal of large roof overhangs and log ends and the construction of an external block and rendered wall around the exterior of the cabin including alterations to window and door opes to the cabin, d) Upgrading of existing waste water treatment system and percolation area serving the existing log cabin and glamping yurts/camping area, e) All ancillary site works to include extensive landscaping to the north west of the site
retention permission for (1) Existing dormer style log cabin operating as tourism accommodation ancillary to the adjoining campsite (2) Waste water treatment unit and percolation area (3) All ancillary site works. Permission for (1) upgrade of existing waste water treatment unit and percolation area (2) To close up an existing entrance and remove hardcore surfaced driveway (3) To construct an outdoor recreational and arts room with covered patio area ancillary to the dormer style log cabin (4) To construct a rental bike storage shed adjacent to existing on site meeting room (5) To construct a covered out door wellness, sauna and hot tub area (6) To construct a barbeque hut type building (7) and all ancillary site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application