RA150993 |
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22/09/2015 Tuesday |
Sherwood Homes (Ratoath) Limited |
Jamestown Ratoath & Tankardstown Townlands, Ratoath, Co. Meath |
planning permission for a housing development (128 dwellings) and ancillary works including the construction of a portion of an Outer Relief Road (on part of lands previously granted planning permission under Ref. DA/70037 & DA/120765 at Jamestown, Ratoath & Tankardstown Townlands, Ratoath, Co. Meath as follows: 1. 128 dwellings comprising of 7 No. 2-storey 5-bedroom detached houses with bedroom in attic (Type T), 24 No. 2-storey 4-bedroom sem-detached houses (Types Q, S3 & S5), 6 No. 2-storey 4-bedroom end townhouses (Type S4), 38 No. 2-storey semi-detached houses (Types R & V), 43 No. 2-storey 3-bedroom townhouses (Types M5, M6, M7, M8 & N) & 10 No. 2-storey 2- bedroom townhouses (Type P). N.B. All houses include an optional kitchen extension to rear & Houses Types N, R, S3, S4, S5, Q & V all have space for a future attic conversion). 2. Ancillary site development works including estate roads, footpaths, cycle tracks, public open space areas, site services sewage pumping station/rising main & 3. Construction of portion of outer relief road (circa 990 metres in length) including 2 No. roundabouts & ancillary services together with tie-ins to the Ratoath College to the west & to the Ashbourne Road (R125) at Mouldin Bridge to the east together with a pedestrian/cycle path along the bank of the Broadmeadow River through the townlands of Jamestown, Ratoath & Tankardstown. Significant Further Information submitted . |
SH305196 |
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20/08/2019 Tuesday |
Sherwood Homes (Ratoath Ltd.) |
Jamestown Ratoath Co. Meath |
SUBMISSIONS TO AN BORD PLEANALA - DIRECT APPLICATION TO AN BORD PLEANALA strategic housing development on6.3 hectares,bounded by Ratoath College, agricultural lands and the rear gardens of houses on Glascarn Lane(to the west); Milltree Park (to the north); Broadmeadow Vale(to the east) and the reservation of the Ratoath Outer Relief Road (to the south), all lying within the townland of Jamestown, Ratoath.The development consists of228 No. residential units comprising of 19 No. 1 Bed Units, 68 No. 2 Bed Units, 133 No. 3 Bed Units and 8 No. 4 Bed Units to be provided in a mix of unit types as follows: 88 No. semi-detached houses (2-2.5 storey), 6 No. detached houses (2.5-3 storey), 11 No. terraced houses (2 storey), 9 No. Independent Living Units (2 Storey), 52 No. apartments (in 2 No. 4 and 5 storey apartment buildings with under-croft basement car parking), 32 No. duplex units with 30 No. apartment units above (in 6 No. 3-storey duplex blocks). House Type A1 to have an optional kitchen extension to the rear. A 3 storey childcare facility building (c. 343.17sq.m) with ancillary outdoor play area. Minor amendments to the ‘Link Road’ and a spur road connecting the ‘Link Road’ with ‘The Way’ at Broadmeadow Vale (all approved under RA150993 / PL17.247003) to facilitate integration into the proposed development. Provision of a temporary shared Pedestrian/Bicycle path along the southern boundary of the site within the reservation of the future extension of the Ratoath Outer Relief Road (RORR). All other associated landscaping, boundary treatments, site development and service infrastructure works. Primary vehicular/ bicycle/pedestrian access to be from the Ratoath Outer Relief Road (approved under RA150993 / PL17.247003 and modified under RA190724). Secondary vehicular/ bicycle/pedestrian access via ‘The Way’ at Broadmeadow Vale (RA150993 / PL17.247003). Pedestrian/Bicycle access (only) via ‘The Grove’ and ‘The Rise’ at Milltree Park. The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal will be consistent with the objectives of the Meath CDP 2013-2019 and the Ratoath LAP 2009-2015 & a statement indicating why permission should be granted for the proposed development, having regard to a consideration specified in section 37(2)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, notwithstanding that the proposed development materially contravenes a relevant development plan or local area plan other than in relation to the zoning of the land. |