(P) 298 dwellings in the form of terraced semi-detached detached duplex and apartments ranging in height from two to four storeys with surface and underground parking. A creche is also contained within the apartment building. The application also provides for all associated works including water supply drainage systems landscaping open spaces and boundary treatment. Access to the proposed development is by way of a singular access off Mullagharlin Road.
Extension of Duration of planning permission 04/1451 (P) 298 d'houses in the form of terraced semi-detached detached duplex and apartments ranging in height from two to four storeys with surface and underground parking. A creche is also contained within the apartment building. The application also provides for all associated works including water supply drainage systems landscaping open spaces and boundary treatment. Access to the proposed development is by way of a singular access off Mullagharlin Road
Permission for development that will consist of a) change of house type site ref 18-20 Carlinn Hall, formerly 2 no T4 hous types & 1 no T1 house type (grant ref 04/1451 & 12/75) with proposed house types now to comprise of 1 no detached 4 bed dwelling (D1) & 1 no semi-detached 3 bed dwelling (SD1) b) Change of house type site ref 14-15 Carlinn Hall, formerly 1 no semi-detached 3 bed dwelling type (granted ref 08/722) with proposed semi-detached house type SD1 and c) all associated site development works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application