File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
041451 |
C |
29/10/2004 Friday |
Glydee Development Ltd |
Mullagharlin Road Dundalk Co. Louth |
(P) 298 dwellings in the form of terraced semi-detached detached duplex and apartments ranging in height from two to four storeys with surface and underground parking. A creche is also contained within the apartment building. The application also provides for all associated works including water supply drainage systems landscaping open spaces and boundary treatment. Access to the proposed development is by way of a singular access off Mullagharlin Road. |
08722 |
C |
23/06/2008 Monday |
Mullagharlin Limited |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission - the development consists of a change to a previously granted planning application 04/1451. Development change to consist of converting a single detached two storey dwelling into a two storey, 2no, semi detached building including associated site services |
09863 |
C |
18/12/2009 Friday |
Mullagharlinn Ltd |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlinn Road Dundalk |
Permission for alteations to previously approved permission PL ref 04/1451 (amended by PL Ref 08/722 as follows: (a) Omission of 21nr previously approved houses (1-3 Carlinn Drive, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21 & 23 Carlinn Hall & 1-12 Carlinn Green) (b) Construction of a new two storey three storey 70 bed nursing home (3253.5m²) with assocaited accomodation & adjoining public open space, landscaping, car parking, connection to drainage system, roof terraces, roof solar panels, pedestrian & vehicular access from existing access road, realigned roadway & alterations to boundaries of 4 Carlinn Drive & 1 Carlinn Avenue boundary walls & fences, footpaths, bin store (16.4m²) & all other assocaited site works (site area 0.8501 hectares) |
13508 |
02/12/2013 Monday |
Wonderglade Ltd |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission for development that will consist of: A) change of house type on site ref. 1-22 Carlinn Court (formerly 12 no. apartments, 8 no. duplex units and 2 no. terrace houses as granted under Ref. 04/1451 and Ref. 12/75) with the proposed house types now to comprise of 2 bed ground floor apartment with a 3 bed duplex overhead within a 3 storey building, 7 no. 2 storey terrace houses and 2 no. 3 storey semi-detached houses. B) Inclusion of rear laneways to existing houses at nos. 23,24,27 & 28 Carlinn Court. C) Provision of minor bin store to front of 31 Carlinn Court. D) All associated site development works |
13524 |
C |
12/12/2013 Thursday |
Wonderglade Ltd |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission for: A) Change of house type on site ref. 1-22 Carlinn Court (formerly 12 no. apartments, 8 no. duplex units and 2 no. terrace houses as granted under Ref. Nos. 04/1451 and 12/75) with the proposed house types now to comprise of 2 bed ground floor apartment with a 3 bed duplex overhead within a 3 storey building, 7 no. 2 storey terrace houses and 2 no. 3 storey semi-detached houses. B) Inclusion of rear laneways to existing houses at nos. 23, 24, 27 & 28 Carlinn Court. C) Provision of minor bin store to front of 31 Carlinn Court. D) All associated site development works. **Significant Further Information was received on 17/04/2014. |
14368 |
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05/09/2014 Friday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission for development that will consist of a) change of house type site ref 18-20 Carlinn Hall, formerly 2 no T4 hous types & 1 no T1 house type (grant ref 04/1451 & 12/75) with proposed house types now to comprise of 1 no detached 4 bed dwelling (D1) & 1 no semi-detached 3 bed dwelling (SD1) b) Change of house type site ref 14-15 Carlinn Hall, formerly 1 no semi-detached 3 bed dwelling type (granted ref 08/722) with proposed semi-detached house type SD1 and c) all associated site development works |
14534 |
C |
24/11/2014 Monday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Heath, Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission for A) Change of layout and house type in cul-de-sac known as Carlinn Heath (off Carlinn Drive) from that previously granted under references 04/1451 & 12/75. Total number of units proposed has reduced from 42 (under Planning Ref 04/1451 & 12/75 to 30 units. (B) The proposed house types now to comprise of 1 no. terraced block (5 units type A1), (C)(6 no 4 bedroom semi detached residential units Type SD1. (D) 2 no. blocks - containing a total of 12 no. apartment consisting of 2 no. ground floor apartments with 2no. duplex apts above & 8 no 2 bed apts house type A3.(E) 7 no. residential units( consisting of 5 no. terrace units & 2 no. semi detached residential units - previously approved under 04/1451 & extended under 12/75 - House Type T3. (F) All associated site development works including modifications to road lay-out previously granted.**Significant Further Information was lodged 13/02/15 description above has been amended to reflect these changes** |
14604 |
22/12/2014 Monday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Health, Carlinn Hall Mullagharlinn Road |
Permission for development in respect of A) Variation of previously permitted development as granted under PA Ref 04/14451 (the appropriate period of which was extended under PA Ref 12/75). The revised development will consist of the construction of 212 no dwellings (reduced from 235 dwellings as permitted) comprising 2 no terraced blocks each consisting of 5 no units, 4 no terraced blocks each consisting of 6 no units 2 no terraced blocks each consisting of 5 apartments & 1 no duplex unit, 50 no 3 bedroom semi-detached dwellings & 2 no apartment blocks each consisting of 1 o apartment & 1 no duplex. Outline Permission for development in respect of B) a two storey 80 no bed nursing home with associated car parking, landscaping maintenance shed & boundary walls/ fencing. The development provides for all associated site development works, landscaping, boundary treatment & including modifications to general infrastructure foul drainage, surface water drainage & road layout |
15212 |
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20/04/2015 Monday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission for development to consist of: A) Full planning permission for change of layout and house type from that previously granted under references 04/1451 & 12/75. The proposed changes for which permission is sought are in addition to previous changes permitted under register refs. 13/265, 13/524, 14/368 & 14/534 and reduces the overall number of housing units in the development from 235 originally permitted to 191. B) This planning application proposes changes of house type and layout affecting 42 dwellings on Carlinn Drive, Carlinn Heath, Carlinn Avenue & Carlinn Garden as follows: 2 no. terraced blocks (5 units each type A1 - 10 dwellings) 2 no. terraced blocks (6 units each type A2 - 12 dwellings) 6 pairs of semi detached houses (type A4 - 12 dwellings) 2 no. apartment blocks (1 apartment & 1 duplex each, type A5 - 4 dwellings) 2 pairs of semi detached houses (type A6 - 4 dwellings) C) All associated site development works including modifications to general infrastructure, foul drainage, surface water drainage and road layout previously granted. ***Significant FI received 03/07/15**** |
15566 |
C |
26/08/2015 Wednesday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Retention and completion permission for development to consist of design amendments / improvements affecting 21 housing units on Carlinn Hall, Carlinn Drive and Carlinn Green as follows: A) Change of house type T1 to house type D1 one one site only (ref: 17 Carlinn Hall, now renumbered 33 Carlinn Hall) from that previously granted under 04/1451 and 12/75. B) Miscellaneous minor amendments to elevations and floor levels. |
15772 |
C |
18/11/2015 Wednesday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission for development to consist of the following: A. Re-orientation of 4 no. units in Carlinn Green (13,14,17 & 18) together with boundary changes to plots. B. Replacement of 2 no. terraced units with 1 no. 4 bed detached unit (a reduction of 1no. unit from that previously granted under references 04/1451 &12/75) C. Minor amendments to elevations, omission of on street parking with front boundary amendments and associated site development works. |
1612 |
C |
15/01/2016 Friday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission for modifications to existing permitted development, planning registry ref. no. 15/212. The development will consist of: A) Change of house type A1 (5no.) and A5 (2no.) to 8 no. semi detached units, type A4 on site ref 7-13 Carlinn Avenue, from that previously granted under references 15/212. B) Relocation of existing district heating system boiler house. C) All associated site development works. **Significant Further Information was lodged 30/03/16** |
1661 |
C |
08/02/2016 Monday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
Permission for development to vary previously permitted developments as granted under P.A Ref. No. 04/1451 (the appropriate period of which was extended under P.A. Ref. 12/75) and as varied under P.A. Ref. No. 14/534 and P.A. Ref. No. 15/212. The development will consist of the change in house type to comprise 50 no. 2 storey houses and 6 no. apartments in a 2 storey building, reducing the overall number of permitted dwellings on the site from 212 to 198. In addition 2 no. single storey assisted living units are proposed. The proposal also includes revisions to the internal road layout, open space areas and all associated site development works including modifications to general infrastructure, foul drainage and surface water drainage. **Significant Further Information received 20/06/16. No of dwelling units reduced by 2no to 56** |
17225 |
C |
30/03/2017 Thursday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Garden Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road |
Permission for development to consist of the provision of 17 no. 2 storey dwellings in detached and semi-detached format (16 no. semi-detached and 1 no. detached) in the south eastern part of the Carlinn Hall housing development, specifically the area identified as 'Carlinn Garden', with the rear gardens of the proposed dwellings backing onto residential and commercial uses that face the Dublin Road . The proposed development also provides for all associated site development works, landscape and boundary treatments. |
17232 |
C |
31/03/2017 Friday |
Wonderglade |
Carlinn Green Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road |
Permission for development to consist of 9 no. two storey dwellings (comprising 8 no. semi-detached and 1 no. detached) in the part of the site identified as 'Carlinn Green'. The proposed development also includes revisions to the internal road layout and all associated site development works, landscape and boundary treatments. |
18231 |
C |
28/03/2018 Wednesday |
Wonderglade Unlimited Company |
Carlinn Hall Mullagharlin Road Dundalk |
EXTENSION OF DURATION: Parent ref: 16/61 - Permission for development to vary previously permitted developments as granted under P.A Ref. No. 04/1451 (the appropriate period of which was extended under P.A. Ref. 12/75) and as varied under P.A. Ref. No. 14/534 and P.A. Ref. No. 15/212. The development will consist of the change in house type to comprise 50 no. 2 storey houses and 6 no. apartments in a 2 storey building, reducing the overall number of permitted dwellings on the site from 212 to 198. In addition 2 no. single storey assisted living units are proposed. The proposal also includes revisions to the internal road layout, open space areas and all associated site development works including modifications to general infrastructure, foul drainage and surface water drainage. **Significant Further Information received 20/06/16. No of dwelling units reduced by 2no to 56** |
2031 |
C |
22/01/2020 Wednesday |
Seauna McGuigan |
14 Carlinn Hall Mullaharlin Road Dundalk |
Retention permission for a single room beauty salon to rear of existing house |