the construction of a logistics warehouse with ancillary office accommodation (total c. 25,268 sqm) to an overall height of 14.86 metres. The warehouse element of the development is principally single storey including an ancillary mezzanine level (554 sqm). The ancillary offices, comprising c. 1,737 sqm, are provided over three storeys and include toilets, change rooms, showers, cafeteria, gym, plant areas and circulation spaces. The proposed development will also include: the provision of a new vehicular access from Barnhall Road roundabout with ancillary associated entry/exit gates, access road and footpath; 179 no. surface car parking spaces including electric vehicle charging stations and 18 no. bicycle parking; solar pv panels on the warehouse roof; hard and soft landscaping; signage; sprinkler storage tanks and pump house; an electrical substation (c. 54 sqm); and all ancillary works including boundary treatments, street lighting, site excavation and development works above and below ground. The site is principally bounded by: Liffey Business Campus to the north; Barnhall Road to the east; Barnhall Rugby Football Club to the south; and by grounds associated with Castletown House to the west. At this site of c. 8.19 hectares at Liffey Business Campus (formerly known as the Hewlett Packard Campus)