Kildare Tourist Outlet Village Nurney Road Kildare Town
Amendments to the conditions of the discount outlet centre designer village development as previously granted under Kildare County Council Reg. Ref. No. 04/927; Kildare County Council Reg. Ref. No. 12/61 and ABP Reg. Ref. No. PL09.241321; and Kildare County Council Reg. Ref. No. 17/539 and An Bord Pleanala Reg. Ref. No.300795-18. The proposed amendments are: i) the replacement of Condition No.3 and Condition No.4 under Phase 1 Reg. Ref. No. 04/927 ; ii) the replacement of Condition No. 5 and Condition No.6 under Phase II Reg. Ref. 12/61 and ABP Reg. Ref No. PL09.241321; and iii) the replacement of Condition No. 5 and Condition No. 6 under Phase III Reg. Ref. No. 17/539 and ABP Reg. Ref. No. 300795-18. The purpose of the amendments is to permit the sale of a quantum (not more than 10%) in each retail until within the discount outlet centre designer village of non-discounted comparison goods