File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
185 |
C |
03/01/2018 Wednesday |
Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town, |
(i) The amalgamation of retail units Nos. 49 and 50 to provide for a single retail unit with a total gross floor area of c. 469sqm, including a mezzanine floor of c. 135sqm accessed via an internal staircase; (ii) All associated elevational changes to unit Nos. 49 and 50 to include the replacement of the entrance door to unit No. 49 with a two bay window, new elevational signage, a gable extension to provide a pitched roof over the entrance to the amalgamated unit and a window at mezzanine level, and (iii) All ancillary site service and site development works, (overall site area of Phase 1 and Phase 2 c. 89Ha) |
1875 |
C |
26/01/2018 Friday |
Value Retail Dublin Ltd. |
Unit 3 Kildare Tourist Outlet Village Nurney Road Kildare Town |
A mezzanine floor of c.90 sqm. access via a new internal staircase and all ancillary site development works |
18696 |
C |
12/06/2018 Tuesday |
Unit 56 of the Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town, |
a mezzanine floor of c.51sq.m, accessed via a new internal staircase, and all ancillary site development works (overall site area of Phase 1 and Phase 2 c.8.9Ha) |
181006 |
C |
17/08/2018 Friday |
Unit Nos. 36 and 37, Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town, |
development of Unit Nos. 36 and 37 (permitted under Reg. Ref. 04/927) of the Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, (overall site area of Phase 1 and Phase 2 c. 8.9Ha). The development will consist of: (i) The amalgamation of retail unit Nos. 36 and 37 to provide for a single retail unit with a total gross floor area of c. 195sqm, including the provision of a new mezzanine floor of c. 65sqm accessed via an internal staircase; (ii) All associated elevational changes to unit Nos. 36 and 37 to include the replacement of the entrance door to unit No. 36 with a new window, and (iii) All ancillary site services and site development works including the removal of internal fixtures and fittings |
181160 |
C |
21/09/2018 Friday |
Value Retail Dublin Ltd. |
Unit 53 Kildare Tourist Outlet Village Nurney Road Kildare Town |
a mezzanine floor of c.151 sq.m. accessed via a new internal staircase, and all ancillary site development works |
19675 |
C |
14/06/2019 Friday |
Kidlare Tourist Outlet Village, Kidare Town, Co.Kildare |
Site enabling works to facilitate development permitted under Reg. Ref. No. 17/539 (An Bord Pleanála Reg. Ref. No. PL09.300795) and will include: 1) the removal of c. 30,050m3 of soil from the site to achieve levels of between c. +98.00m AOD at the eastern end of the site to c.+95.00m AOD at the western end of the site; 2) the temporary alteration to the existing left-turn only exit from the Kildare Tourist Outlet Village Phase II carpark onto the Nurney Road to create a two-way entrance and exit for the facilitation of HGV construction traffic and deliveries access for the duration of works proposed and; 3)all associated site works at this site of C1.497 hecatres located immediately to the north of St. Brigid's Primary School's existing sports grounds and east of the Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, and is accessible from the Nurney Road via the Kidlare Tourist Outlet Village, |
191253 |
C |
08/11/2019 Friday |
Unit 42, Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town, |
development at Unit No. 42 (permitted under Reg. Ref. 04/927) of the Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, (overall site area of Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 c. 11.218 Ha). The proposed development will consist of amendments to the existing demountable storage platform (c. 89sqm) to provide for the provision of a mezzanine level with a gross floor area of c. 121sqm and all ancillary site services and site development works |
221385 |
C |
21/11/2022 Monday |
Unit 68, Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town, |
The development will consist of: the provision of a mezzanine floor of c. 68 sq. m. accessed via a new internal staircase, and all ancillary site development works |
23893 |
C |
12/09/2023 Tuesday |
Kildare Tourist Outlet Village Nurney Road Kildare Town |
Amendments to the conditions of the discount outlet centre designer village development as previously granted under Kildare County Council Reg. Ref. No. 04/927; Kildare County Council Reg. Ref. No. 12/61 and ABP Reg. Ref. No. PL09.241321; and Kildare County Council Reg. Ref. No. 17/539 and An Bord Pleanala Reg. Ref. No.300795-18. The proposed amendments are: i) the replacement of Condition No.3 and Condition No.4 under Phase 1 Reg. Ref. No. 04/927 ; ii) the replacement of Condition No. 5 and Condition No.6 under Phase II Reg. Ref. 12/61 and ABP Reg. Ref No. PL09.241321; and iii) the replacement of Condition No. 5 and Condition No. 6 under Phase III Reg. Ref. No. 17/539 and ABP Reg. Ref. No. 300795-18. The purpose of the amendments is to permit the sale of a quantum (not more than 10%) in each retail until within the discount outlet centre designer village of non-discounted comparison goods |
23895 |
C |
12/09/2023 Tuesday |
Kildare Tourist Outlet Village Nurney Road Kildare Town |
6 no. existing food and beverage kiosk zones (434sqm gross area) including kiosks (total 49.7sqm gross floor area) with signage, adjacent seating and circulation areas. Planning permission is also sought for 2 no. additional food and beverage kiosk zones (totalling 54sqm gross area), including kiosks (varying in size from 7.5sqm to 12.5 sqm gross floor area) with signage, adjacent seating and circulation areas; resulting in a total of 8 no. kiosk zones of which only 6 no. zones will be operational at any one time |
24281 |
C |
05/09/2024 Thursday |
Value Retail Dublin Ltd. |
Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town, |
for:(i) planning permission for the provision of a new retail unit with a total gross floor area of c. 269 sq.m, including mezzanine floor of c. 88.5 sq.m for storage, staff facilities and plant; minor elevational and shopfront changes including new timber cladding, a fabric awning, glazed door and window and associated signage; a new service yard wall and timber fence including pedestrian entrance gates, wall mounted lights; hard and soft landscaping; all ancillary site services and site development works; and (ii) retention permission for 6 no. external plant areas associated with Unit Nos. 64, 65, 67, 68 and 69 located at ground level to the rear of the units at the covered archway (Space no. 66) located between Unit Nos. 67 and 65 |
24324 |
C |
11/10/2024 Friday |
Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town, |
for (i) retention permission for the Guest Services building of c. 22 sq.m gross floor area located within Phase 1 and fronting onto the main car park; (ii) retention permission is also sough for the relocation of the single storey ancillary customer service building of c. 78 sq.m gross floor area (non-retail floorspace, permitted under Reg. Ref. 13/294) to the Phase 1 service yard and an entrance door within the service yard wall to access the unit and (iii) planning permission for the change of use of the ancillary customer service building to retail floorspace and all ancillary site services and site development works |
24354 |
C |
13/11/2024 Wednesday |
Value Retail Dublin LTD |
Unit 83, Kildare Tourist Outlet Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town, |
for a mezzanine floor of c. 80 sq. m to be accessed via a new internal staircase, and all ancillary sit works |