File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
12888 |
C |
08/11/2012 Thursday |
Lidon Limited T/A Junction 14 Mayfield |
Mayfield Services Area Junction 14 Mayfield Interchange |
Of the entire development as built, incorporating all deviations from that permitted under Kildare County Council Reg. Ref. 06/1881 (including deviations to permitted building layout and footprints, to permitted building floorspace (increased by c. 500 sq m), to permitted building elevations and facades, to internal road layout and parking areas, inclusion of coach wash down area, changes to type and location of wastewater treatment plant, and associated ancillary development); and permission for an additional 2 No. fuel pump islands, additional waste water treatment capacity, and an eastern extension to the existing parking area of 0.79 ha (within the overall site area) to provide a net 22 No. additional truck parking spaces and 32 No. new staff car parking spaces (bringing the total of truck spaces to 42 and car spaces to 184) |
16858 |
C |
15/08/2016 Monday |
Lidon Limited |
Mayfield Interchange Services Area Junction 14, M7 Motorway Mayfield, Monasterevin |
amendments / modifications to the previously permitted extension (Reg Ref. 15/144) of the existing Motorway Services building to provide reconfigured and extended ground and first floor areas resulting in an increase in the permitted gross floor area from 1,785sq.m to 2,208sq.m and revised elevational designs and layouts. The reconfigured and extended Motorway Services building will provide the following accommodation:- Ground Floor Level (1,758sq.m) forecourt convenience shop (121sq.m), 4no café/restaurant units with common seating area (755sq.m), covered external and internal (28sq.m) children’splay areas, public toilets (114sq.m) and ancillary staff storage areas (740sq.m). First Floor Level (450sq.m) ancillary office and staff areas including management / administration areas, store and plant rooms and toilets all access via internal lift / stair cores. Permission is also sought for reconfiguration and remodeling of all elevations (north, south, east and west) including relocation of the entrance door and associated lobby on the eastern elevation, all associated site and development works including part demolition of the existing building as previously permitted, minor revisions to hard and soft landscaping adjoining the extended building, reconfigured service yard, signage and a new bin storage area. The existing access roads, car parking (266 no.spaces), truck parking (42 no. spaces) and bus parking (5 no. spaces) areas to serve the building are unchanged. The layouts of the fuel pumps / canopies and ESB-substation are also unchanged from previously permitted at this site (6.98 ha) |
181055 |
C |
29/08/2018 Wednesday |
Mayfield Interchange Services Area, Junction 14, M7 Motorway, Mayfield, |
a High Power Electric Vehicle Charging Station within the existing Mayfield Interchange Services Area. The development will consist of : (i) Installation of 6 No. electric vehicle charging bays, each comprising a parking space and electric vehicle charging unit; (ii) Associated revisions to existing car parking area; (iii) Installation of electric vehicle power units and associated fencing; (iv) Construction of a new substation; (v) Erection of illuminated signage; (vi) All associated lighting, infrastructure, site and development works |
2169 |
C |
25/01/2021 Monday |
Lidon Ltd. |
Mayfield Interchange Services Area Junction 14 M7 Motorway Mayfield, Monasterevin |
a 291.84 square metre industrial storage unit, access roadway and ancillary site works |
211080 |
C |
26/07/2021 Monday |
Lidon Ltd |
Mayfield Interchange Services Area Junction 14 M7 Motorway Mayfield, Monasterevin |
the construction of a substation building with associated site works. |
211637 |
C |
22/11/2021 Monday |
Lidon Limited, |
Mayfield Interchange Services Area, Junction 14 M7 Motorway, Mayfield, |
a change of use from retail use to retail with ancillary off licence use |
22300 |
C |
21/03/2022 Monday |
Lidon Ltd, |
Junction 14, Mayfield Motorway Service Station, Monasterevin, |
at this site Mayfield Interchange Services Area, Junction 14 M7 Motorway, Mayfield, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare. The development will consist of the construction of a single storey truck driver lounge; Installation of canopy with associated signage above the CNG (compressed natural gas) fuel dispenser area granted permission under planning reference number 20/1475 and associated site works |
22525 |
C |
06/05/2022 Friday |
Lidon Limited, |
Junction 14 Mayfield Motorway Service Station, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare. |
sought for the construction of a proposed dog park and staff parking area with EV charging points, bicycle stand, smoking shelter and acoustic perimeter fence and associated site works |