Usage Cases

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This section of the ePlan online help list a sample number of case scenario's.


Scenario 1:-Public user wishes to search for planning application based on Exact information such as Application reference, Address or Surname.

    Action:- On the Select Search Type Screen click a link under Find a Planning Application Search. Enter the exact information to search on. Click the button to execute the search.


Scenario 2:- Public user wishes to find recent planning applications based on decision recently made, applications recently made, or decision about to be made within 7-28 days.

    Action:- On the Select Search Type Screen click a link under Planning Application Lists. Select the Decision Made Listing Type and a Time Limit of 28 days. Click the button to execute the search.


Scenario 3:-Public user wants to search for specific application but is not sure which local authority the application was submitted to within a county and only knows the surname of the applicant.

    Action:- On the Select Search Type Screen click the Applicant Name link . Enter the Applicant Name and check the Local Authority Check Boxes. Click the button to execute the search.


Scenario 4:-Public user want to search for specific application but is not sure which local authority the application was submitted to within a county and only knows the decision is due next week.

    Action:- On the Select Search Type Screen click the Decision Due Applications link . Select the Time Limit required and check the Local Authority Check Boxes. Click the button to execute the search.


Scenario 5:-Public user wants to view commencement notices based on an application.

    Action:- On the Select Search Type Screen click a link under Find a Planning Application Search. Enter the exact information to search on. Click the button to execute the search. The Search Results screen display's the results matching the search criteria entered. Click on the Application File Number to View the Application. Click the Commencements button available on this screen to view Commencements Notices. Click the button on Commencements Notices to open the View Commencement screen.


Scenario 6:-Public user wants to know how close an application is to being decided when viewing the application details.

    Action:-  On the Select Search Type Screen click the Decision Due Applications link . Select the Time Limit required and check the Local Authority Check Boxes. Click the button to execute the search. The Decision Due Date is returned on the Search Results screen.


Scenario 7:-Local Councillor wants to make a representation on a planning application.

    Action:- On the Select Search Type Screen click the Decision Due Applications link . Select the Time Limit required and check the required Local Authority Check Boxes. Click the button to execute the search. The Search Results screen display's the results matching the search criteria entered. Click on the Application File Number to View the Application. Click the Make Representations button to open a link to the Online Representations screen. Enter the User Name and Password.