Planning Application: 20298 (Wicklow County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
Validated Date:
Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested:
Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date:
Extend Date:
Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
Appeal Date:
Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
ABBD Development Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Town Centre Mixed use development, Town Park and Linear Park comprising of the following: (A). 22 no. houses comprising of 1 no. house type A1 (three bedroom two storey detached unit), 2 no. house type A2 (three bedroom two storey semi-detached units), 8 no. house type A3 (three two storey bedroom semi-detached units), 6 no. house type B (four bedroom three storey semi-detached units), 1 no. house type C1 (four bedroom three storey detached unit), 2 no. house type C2 (four bedroom three storey semi-detached units), 2 no. house type D (four bedroom three storey detached units). (B) . 2 no. Type E buildings, which comprise of 4 no. one bedroom apartments (2 no. apartments in each). (C). Primary zone two storey building comprising 9 no. apartments (1 no. one bedroom, 3 no. two bedroom, 5 no. three bedroom) and 2 no. ground floor commercial units. (D). Town Park Building comprising of 2 no. ground floor commercial units, 1 no. first floor commercial unit. (E). Provision of car parking spaces, bin stores, Bicycle stores, public lighting within development. (F). Provision of new landscaped Town Park and Linear Park with new civic spaces providing hard and soft landscaping within the development along with all associated site development, new boundary treatments and landscaping works. (G). Installation of an underground storm water attenuation tank and connection to all public services. (H). Provision of new vehicular entrance off main street providing for sufficient traffic sight lines onto public road along with all necessary ancillary and site works to facilitate this development. (I). Provision of new footpath to link 'The Castle Inn' public house to the new Town Park. Car parking for Town Park building shall be located in the existing car park behind Public House
Development Address:
Main Street, Newcastle, Co. Wicklow
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Dates and timelines maybe affected by Covid19 legislation. ABP 3rd Party Appeal received 8 Feb 2021.
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
Town Centre Mixed use development, Town Park and Linear Park comprising of the following: (A). 22 no. houses comprising of 1 no. house type A1 (three bedroom two storey detached unit), 2 no. house type A2 (three bedroom two storey semi-detached units), 8 no. house type A3 (three two storey bedroom semi-detached units), 6 no. house type B (four bedroom three storey semi-detached units), 1 no. house type C1 (four bedroom three storey detached unit), 2 no. house type C2 (four bedroom three storey semi-detached units), 2 no. house type D (four bedroom three storey detached units). (B) . 2 no. Type E buildings, which comprise of 4 no. one bedroom apartments (2 no. apartments in each). (C). Primary zone two storey building comprising 9 no. apartments (1 no. one bedroom, 3 no. two bedroom, 5 no. three bedroom) and 2 no. ground floor commercial units. (D). Town Park Building comprising of 2 no. ground floor commercial units, 1 no. first floor commercial unit. (E). Provision of car parking spaces, bin stores, Bicycle stores, public lighting within development. (F). Provision of new landscaped Town Park and Linear Park with new civic spaces providing hard and soft landscaping within the development along with all associated site development, new boundary treatments and landscaping works. (G). Installation of an underground storm water attenuation tank and connection to all public services. (H). Provision of new vehicular entrance off main street providing for sufficient traffic sight lines onto public road along with all necessary ancillary and site works to facilitate this development. (I). Provision of new footpath to link 'The Castle Inn' public house to the new Town Park. Car parking for Town Park building shall be located in the existing car park behind Public House