development which will consist of a single storey drive-thru restaurant including the ancillary sale of hot food for consumption off the premises with an associated corral area, elevational signage, car parking including accessible parking spaces, grill bays, EV charging spaces, bicycle parking, a height restrictor, customer order points with associated canopies, totem signage, free-standing signage, banner frames and digital menu boards, ESB substation and kiosk, landscaping including outdoor furniture/seating area with parasols, boundary treatments, lighting, reconfiguration of part of the existing car park to facilitate the development including new pedestrian crossings, and all associated site and engineering works necessary to facilitate the development
Development Address:
Lands at Lakepoint Retail & Business Park, Delvin Road,, Petitswood, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath
Constructing a single storey restaurant/coffee kiosk having a total gross floor area of 185 sq.m. and including mini totem signage, service yard, outdoor seating area, amended landscaping and car parking layout and all ancillary site works on lands area 1,217 sq. m. and supplementary car parking provided on lands area 746 sq.m. within the existing Lakepoint Retail Park
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application