A) Retention of 6 no.windows to the first floor and B) Permission for changes to elevation to include erection of Brise Soleil and new signage to south face of existing building, previously granted permission under planning ref: No 03/51/1338.
Erection of a 38kV transformer station comprising a 38kV plinth with control cubicles and busbar. Two No. 38kV to medium voltage power transformers and one No. Neutral earth resistor, with associated bund walls and oil interceptor. Two No. 12.6 metre high lattice steel 38kV towers. Two No. 38kV cable chairs, a medium voltage control building and an ESB radio antenna mounted on 16 metre high timber pole. Access road and entrance gates, concrete post and rail fence to outer station boundary and a palisade fence to inner station boundary.
three storey office building on 0.4318 hectares including ancillary accommodation of canteen, toilet facilities, reception area and balconies. This application will include 1 No. new site entrance, surface carparking, bin bays, attenuation tanks and all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application