Lands adjacent to Roscrea Filling Station Carrig Road Roscrea
development will consist of the provision of 54 No. car parking spaces, 2 No. disabled car parking spaces & 1 No. bus parking space to alleviate increasing vehicle congestion by providing overflow car parking to the adjacent services. The proposal includes for the demolition of an existing derelict agricultural structure, ground levelling works, surface water drainage and associated petrol interceptor.
truck refuelling station, as well as the provision of an overflow car park, to include 24 no. car parking spaces and 1 no. disabled car parking space, all to alleviate increasing vehicle congestion. The proposal includes for the demolition of an existing derelict agricultural structure, excavations to take underground fuel storage tanks, ground levelling works, new asphalt hard standing, new public lighting, surface water drainage and attenuation system and associated interceptor for pollution control, relocation of an eircom comm's hub and a landscaping proposal. In addition to this, the proposal includes for various traffic improvement measures including: a revised road junction at the halting site lane at Carrig Road, a defined access only point to Carrig Road Service Station and a new refined access and egress system for both Carrig Road Filling Station and McDonald's Take-away and new access to the proposed truck refuelling stop
Roscrea CRSS Ltd, Centra/Circle K Carrig Road Service Station Roscrea, Co. Tipperary
the construction of new extensions to existing service station building to include: (1) extensions to existing ground floor service station building and revision to forecourt area; (2) a new first floor area incorporating new access stair cores to provide additional seating, staff areas, offices, store rooms; (3) revisions of existing site layout to include a revised site entrances and egress, revised car parking layout and additional parking, additional HGV fuel pump area and underground tanks, EV charging area with canopy over, revisions to existing forecourt and relocation of existing car wash to include all associated site works & services required for the proposed development
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application