windfarm development which has been the subject of a successful previous planning application reference 03510957. This application seeks a ten year permission for the previously permitted development and will consist of: (a) 10 no. wind turbine generators of hub height 80m; (b) Electrical substation & switch station; (c) Proprietary treatment unit & waste water holding tank; (d) Access tracks & buried cable ducts; (e) All associated site works & miscellaneous landscaping & enabling works. It should be noted that an Environmental Impact Statement is submited with this application
for a modification to Planning Ref. 09/51/0084 (Monaincha Wind Farm) and an amendment to assoicated Planning Conditions. The primary modification is an increase in turbine tip height from 125m to 156m. As a result of this modification there will also be minor (micrositing) changes in the location of 5 no. turbines and associated revisions to the supporting civil infrastructure design, including the provision of a borrow pit. An environmental impact statement accompanies this application.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application