and retention permission for 44.43 Hectares comprising sand, gravel and rock extraction, landscaping measures, progressive restoration and visual screening. Retention permission for existing quarry development is sought for 19.76 hectares. Planning permission for future quarry development is sought for 14.23 hectares. The remaining 10.44 hectares will be used for buffers, landscaping measures and visual screens at the boundary of the site. Retention of planning is also sought for ancillary quarry infrastructure, including the following: the existing quarry entrance from the L1062 public road (245m2); retention of the existing crusher, washer and screening plant (326m2); retention of the existing process water treatment/recycling tanks (114m2); retention of the existing process portacabin building (11m2); retention for administration/security portacabin building (37m2); permission for the installation of a wheelwash (86m2); permission for the installation of a weighbridge (68.5m2); permission for the construction of a concrete batching plant (320m2); and permission for the construction of water settlement lagoons (1014m2). An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared for the existing and proposed development and will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the Planning Application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application