M. Barker, P. Higgins, J. Hynes, D. McKeogh, J. McKeogh, E. O'Toole, T. O'Regan
Cullenagh Ballina
New Street with 34 town houses, 6 apartments, 9 duplex units, 4 commercial/retail/office units and ancillary site development accessed from the Ballina Quay and the Portroe Road
change of approved use to restaurant/cafe use at No. 5 Ballina Quay Ballina. The current use approved under planning ref. 04/51/1903, for this unit is commercial/retail/office
alterations and change of use of 2 existing vacant apartments (nos 47 and 52) within the development from the approved residential use of 3 units with commercial/retail/office use and associated renumbering of unit numbers 47 - 52 to 47 - 53. The development was originally approved under planning reference 04511903
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application