Planning Application: 2460316 (Tipperary County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
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Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
Appeal Date:
Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Torca Developments Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
amendments to the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) permitted on site under Ref. ABP-311290-21 for 115 no. residential units(47 no. apartments/duplexes within 5 no. 3 storey blocks and 68 no. 2-4 bed houses), creche and associated works.
This amendment application seeks to omit all permitted duplex units (24 no.) and replace with a mix of additional houses (8 no.) and apartments (23 no.) along with a revised mix of units, resulting in a revised residential development of 122 no. units (7 no. additional units) and comprising:
- 46 no. apartments (8 no. 1-bed & 38 no. 2-bed) within 3 no. 3 storey blocks
- 76 no. two-three storey houses (9 no. 2-bed terraced houses, 37 no. 3-bed terraced houses, 10 no. 3-bed semi-detached houses & 20 no. 4-bed semi-detached houses).
This amendment also includes a revised childcare facility of c.160 sq.m, and revised car and cycle parking provision (resulting in a revised overall total of 205 no. car parking spaces and 389 no. cycle parking spaces to serve the entire development). Vehicular and pedestrian access to be provided from Coleville Road (R680) as per the parent permission. All other site works including boundary treatments, landscaping and site services to facilitate development. The remainder of the development to be carried out in accordance with the parent permission Ref. ABP-311290-21.
An updated Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
Development Address:
Townland of Croan Lower, Coleville Road (R680), Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Croan Lower
Electoral Division:
Paul Killeen
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
amendments to the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) permitted on site under Ref. ABP-311290-21 for 115 no. residential units(47 no. apartments/duplexes within 5 no. 3 storey blocks and 68 no. 2-4 bed houses), creche and associated works.
This amendment application seeks to omit all permitted duplex units (24 no.) and replace with a mix of additional houses (8 no.) and apartments (23 no.) along with a revised mix of units, resulting in a revised residential development of 122 no. units (7 no. additional units) and comprising:
- 46 no. apartments (8 no. 1-bed & 38 no. 2-bed) within 3 no. 3 storey blocks
- 76 no. two-three storey houses (9 no. 2-bed terraced houses, 37 no. 3-bed terraced houses, 10 no. 3-bed semi-detached houses & 20 no. 4-bed semi-detached houses).
This amendment also includes a revised childcare facility of c.160 sq.m, and revised car and cycle parking provision (resulting in a revised overall total of 205 no. car parking spaces and 389 no. cycle parking spaces to serve the entire development). Vehicular and pedestrian access to be provided from Coleville Road (R680) as per the parent permission. All other site works including boundary treatments, landscaping and site services to facilitate development. The remainder of the development to be carried out in accordance with the parent permission Ref. ABP-311290-21.
An updated Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
for the development of site of 4.1368 hectares (approximately) consisting of: the construction of 137 dwelling units comprising 9 no. 3 storey 5 bed detached houses (Type A) ; 32 no 2 storey 3 bed terrace houses (Type B), 24 no, 3 storey 3 bed terraced houses (Type C), 22no 2 storey 2 bed terraced houses (Type D), 8 no two storey 2 bed terraced houses (Type E), 3 no 2 storey 3 bed detached houses (Type F), 1 no. three storey apartment building (Type H) providing 10no 2 bed Apartments and 4 no 1 bed Apartments with ancillary rooms (GFA 113sqm), 8 no three storey apartment building (Type 1) providing 16no 2 bed Apartments and 8 no 1 bed Apartments , 1no 2storey 3 bed detached (Type J) |: the change of use of existing 2 storey over basement office building (Melbrook House) into a creche (GFA 332 sq m) and existing adjoining 1 storey office building into a shop (GFA 113 Sq m); the demolition of 1 no existing out building and the replacement of 2m high boundary wall with a 900mm high wall