Planning Application: 2360125 (Tipperary County Council )
File Number:
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Charlie Keegan
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
the conversion of an existing, vacant terrace of houses to 5 two-story dwelling houses consisting of 1 one-bedroom house and 4 two-bedroom houses; including the refurbishment of the dwelling units, the construction of two story, rear extensions on each of the two-bedroom dwellings. The works include the demolition of the remaining, derelict, rear extension walls, and a section of the side site boundary wall (to Lidl site), the construction of private rear gardens with pedestrian access for each of the dwellings, access to the rear for parking via the existing side entrance off Bradley’s Row, private parking bays, related and ancillary services and all associated siteworks,
renovation of an existing, vacant terrace of 4 nr. two-storey dwelling houses to re-establish 5 nr. two -storey dwelling houses (1 nr. one-bedroom house and 4 nr. two-bedroom houses) including the refurbishment of the dwelling units and the construction of two-storey rear extensions on each of the two-bedroom dwelling houses - works include the demolition of the remaining, derelict, rear extension structures, and a section of the side site boundary wall (to Lidl site), the construction of private rear gardens with pedestrian access for each of the dwellings, access to the rear for parking via the existing side entrance off Bradley’s Row, private parking bays, related and ancillary services and all associated siteworks
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application