construction of 129 No. dwelling houses, 21 No. serviceed sites, 21 No. five bedroomed two-storey detached, 36 No. four bedroomed two-storey detached, 18 No. three-bedroom two-storey detached, 52 No. three-bedroom two-storey semi- detached, 2 No. three bedroom bungalows, demolition of two No. habitable dwellings, proprietary treatmenrt system, 2 no. new entrances and all associated site development works
a synthetic grass training pitch with flood lighting, concrete walls and perimeter fencing, gates, footpath, access ramp with steps and all associated ancillary works, demolition of (i) boundary walls (ii) existing dressing rooms building, fencing, lighting and pitch surface and PERMISSION for RETENTION of existing synthetic grass training pitch with flood lighting, dressing rooms building and fencing also required