creation of sustainable community. The development will compromise demolition of the former Lime Tree Pub & outbuildings on Main St & construct 133 homes ( includ 20 live-work units) in the form of apartment, terrace, semi-det & det house types. The buildings vary in height from one to three storeys. There will be two community buildings (950 sq. m at 1 - 2 storeys), farm and maintenance buildings (150 sq.m) & craft/enterprise/maintenance building (150 sq.m). Access is by a new street (formed by the demolition of Lime Tree Pub & outbuildings, including barn on main street) & by an upgraded entrance on Step Rd. Landscaping will include relocation of the present field drain and its restoration as a stream ( as a natural water feature), sustainable urban drainage strategies for storm water attenuation, extensive native landscaping. Community outdoor spaces will be provided. The development will include approx. 25 acres of organic farm.
1 no. two storey terrace containing 3 no. dwelling units (34, 35, 36); 2 no. one and a half storey detached houses (37 & 40); 1 no. two and a half storey terrace containing 4 no. dwelling units (59, 60, 61, 62). The development will be accessed from the new street network of the sustainable community - 04/51/1650
development of a constructed wetland and infiltration system and associated works and Retention Permission for a Bord na Mona moving bed biological reactor wastewater treatment plant consisting of two stage primary settling tanks, two aerated activated sludge tanks, final settling tank and flow meter. The development also includes 80mm HDPE rising main from the Ecovillage sewage pumping station to the existing Bord na Mona Treatment Plant; a 40mm rising main to the infiltration area and a stockproof fence surrounding the proposed infrastructure
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application