alterations to the approved development of 7 no. apartments (in a seperate wing), each apartment containing 2 bedrooms and a living room, with a grass roof and ancillary site development works, on the site of the tennis court at the Lakeside Hotel. This development was approved under Planning Application reference 10/51/0395 and extended under Extension of Duration reference 16/60/0509. The proposed alterations provide 16 bedrooms, including lift, stairs, entrance lobby and a grass roof, on the site of the tennis court at the Lakeside Hotel and occupy a similiar footprint to the currently approved development
(a) the crèche within the hotel building and (b) car and bus parking facility, refuse collection area together with associated ancillary site development works on that part of the hotel site to the North-East of the local road L6090
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application