Planning Application: 10510362 (Tipperary County Council )
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Richard Meaney
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
c/o Carr Associates Architects, Unit 3 Chapelcourt, Cathedral Place, Limerick
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
and complete extension and alterations to an existing dwelling. Retention works include (i) reinstatement of existing collapsed terrace, (ii) retaining walls, and (iii) alterations to existing ground levels. Completion works consist provision of, (i) a rear extension at basement and ground floor level including a garage and lift shaft, (ii) provision of living space within the undercraft of the existing dwelling at basement level, (iii) a dormer extension at first floor level, (iv) an extension to the side of existing dwelling at ground & first floor level, (v) modifications to external elevations, (vi) alterations to existing site boundaries, (vii) all associated site development works.
and complete extension and alterations to an existing dwelling. Retention works include (i) reinstatement of existing collapsed terrace, (ii) retaining walls, and (iii) alterations to existing ground levels. Completion works consist pro-vision of, (i) a rear extension at basement and ground floor level including a garage and lift shaft, (ii) provision of living space within the undercraft of the existing dwelling at basement level, (iii) a dormer extension at first floor level, (iv) an extension to the side of existing dwelling at ground & first floor level, (v) modifications to external elevations, (vi) alterations to existing site boundaries, (vii) all associated site development works.
and completion of an extension and alterations to an existing dwelling. Retention works include: rein-statement of existing collapsed terrace, retaining walls, and alterations to existing ground levels. Completion works consist of provision of, a playroom and store inc. garden shed at basement level. Extension works include, provision of a utility room, bathroom, staircase & corridor within the undercraft of the existing dwelling at basement level, an extension to the side of existing dwelling to provide a kitchen & dining room at ground floor level and master bedroom at first floor level, modifications to external elevations, alterations to existing site boundaries, all associated site development works
(i) Planning permission is sought for modifications to the existing ground floor window on the northern elevation. (ii) retention permission is sought for (a) a reduction in the height of the eaves overhang to the front (eastern) elevation; (b) retention and completion of modifications to the permitted window arrangement at ground floor level on the southern and western elevations; and (c) retention and completion of the provision of a new doorway on the southern elevation
(a) modifications to the permitted window arrangement at ground floor level on the southern and western elevations; and (b) provision of 3 no. additional velux rooflights and planning permission is sought for the provision of a dormer roof to accommodate an internal lift
(i) modifications to the permitted window arrangement at ground floor level on the southern and western elevations; and (ii) provision of one number velux rooflight. Planning permission is sought to construct a timber screen set back from site boundary to facilitate boundary planting