to construct 68 No. 2-storey houses & 2 No. 2-storey apartment blocks (each with 8 apartments per floor), behind (south of) proposed housing (not built) planning reference 06/51/1411 (granted). The development will consist of 8 house types comprising 32 No. 3-bed semi-detached houses (3 types), 28 No. 2-bed terraced houses (2 types), 2 No. 3-bed detached houses, 6 No. 4-bed detached (2 types) & 32 No. 2-bed apartments, all necessary infrastructure works including access roads, hard & soft landscaping to include childrens play areas & all other ancillary works & services
A distributor road between the R503 and local county road (Murroe Road) and associated site works including footpaths, lighting, cycletracks, drainage, etc
construction of 104 new houses (10 detached and 94 semi-detached) and associated site works behind (south of) proposed housing (not built) Planning Register Reference 06/51/1411
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application