alteration to the layout of 100 houses approved under planning reference PLC/19,917, to omit 18 houses and 12 garages from the layout, to provide 46 houses and 6 garages, providing a total of 128 houses and ancillary site development works
alterations to the layout of 100 houses approved under planning reference PLC/19917 to omit 18 houses and 12 garages from the layout, to provide 46 houses and 6 garages, providing a total of 128 houses and ancillary site development works
alterations to layout of 100 houses approved under planning reference PLC/19917, to omit 18 houses and 12 garages from the layout, to provide 46 houses and 6 garages, providing a total of 128 houses and ancillary site development works
Alterations to house. These alterations include the provision of a storage shed, kitchen extension & gable window. The development was previously approved under planning references PLC/19,917, 07/51/0573 & 09/51/0300, with extension of duration granted under references 13/51/0027 & 13/51/0028.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application