1 no. detached dwellinghouse, 1 no. detached garage, provision of a recessed entranceway, boundary treatment, sewage treatment system and associated percolation area and all associated site works
1 no. detached dwellinghouse, 1 no. detached garage, provision of a recessed entranceway, boundary treatment, sewage treatment system and associated percolation area and all associated site works
internal fit-out including new mezzanine floor level, external signage and associated lighting, alterations to west and east elevations and ancillary works (previously granted permission re. 04/51/1551.
(1) 1 No. detached dwelling house; (2) 1 No. detached garage; (3) Provision of recessed entrance way, boundary treatment, sewage treatment system and associated percolation area and all associated site works on and under land
change of use at first and second floor level from domestic accommodation to two self contained flats and change of use of existing ground floor retail unit to stairwell to overhead flats and change of use of existing domestic stairway and entrance hall to form part of the existing ground floor retail unit, including all associated material alterations and site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application