material change of use of ground floor of proposed retail unit granted under 05/51/0553 to be utilised as a coffee shop and food takeaway together with all necessary internal alterations
material change of use of ground floor of proposed retail unit granted under 05/51/0553 to be utilised as a coffee shop together with all necessary internal alterations
material change of use of ground floor of proposed retail unit granted under 05/51/0553 to be utilised as a sit-down family restaurant together with all necessary internal alterations
material change of use of ground floor of proposed retail unit granted under 05/51/0553 to be utilised as a restaurant together with all necessary internal alterations
change of use of ground floor area to restaurant with facility for sale of hot food for consumption off the premises from restaurant previously granted under 08511194
change of use of ground floor area to restaurant with facility for sale of hot food for consumption off the premises from restaurant previously granted under 08511194, work also to include minor alteration to the rear of building
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application