Commercial/Retail development consisting of hardware DIY shop, builders materials yard, builders providers store, distribution storage, associated offices, two retail units and associated car parking, ESB substation and deliveries area
Amendments to previously permitted Planning permission ref: 04/51/1551 comprising the subdivision of the main anchor unit to incorporate an additional retail unit, omission of the office facilities, incorporation of outdoor garden centre area amendments to building footprint at rear of builders store and minor amendments to car park area
9 No. commercial units - Unit 3A - 602.99 sqm, Unit 3B - 388.90 sqm, Unit 3C - 586.90 sqm, Unit 3D - 388.90 sqm, Unit 3E - 586.90 sqm, Unit 3F - 388.90 sqm, Unit 3G - 586.90 sqm, Unit 3H - 388.90 sqm, Unit 3J - 602.99 sqm, with a combined floor area of 4522.28 sqm, 54 No. associated car parking spaces entrance, access road, landscaping/paving/boundary fencing and associated site works
2 No. commercial buildings, (Gross Floor Area 3854.30sq. metres). The development will consist of: (1) two buildings, subdivided into units consisting of Building 1 (floor area 2041.56 sq. metres) and Building 2 (floor area 1812.74 sq. metres). (2) New entrance and access road from Nenagh Road (R498) complete with necessary improvement works and road markings & signage. (3) Car parking and loading areas. (4) Landscaping. (5) Site development works necessary to facilitate the development. (6) Foul water pumping station and associated works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application