amendment of existing planning granted under PL06/377 consisting of (1)increase in floor area of 25 number A type houses numbered 1 to 23 & 48 to 49 from 121.5sqm to 133sqm (2)increase in floor area of 12 number C type houses numbered 58 to 69 from 92.7sqm to 101.5sqm with some minor alterations to services granted under PL06/377
amendment of existing planning granted under PL06/377 consisting of (1)increase in floor area of 25 number A type houses numbered 1 to 23 & 48 to 49 from 121.5sqm to 133sqm (2)increase in floor area of 12 number C type houses numbered 58 to 69 from 92.7sqm to 101.5sqm with some minor alterations to services granted under PL06/377
(1)construction of 73 no. two storey dwellings and all associated site works which consist of 25 number 4-bed detached dwellings, 12 number 4-bed semi-detached dwellings, 24 number 3-bed semi-detached dwellings and 3 number terraced blocks consisting of (2 number 3-bed end of terrace dwellings and 2 number 2-bed mid terraced dwellings) per block, provide access to development by widening existing public road to east of Marren Park at Earlsfield/Carrowcauly, Ballymote. Significant further information has been furnished in relation to planning PL 06/377 which contains alterations to site layout, with reduced house numbers from 73 to 69, along with revisions to drainage and assess road
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application