erection of a 18 m slimline monopole with associated telecommunications exchange container, security fencing and access track to rform part of the digital communicaitons network (GSM/UMTS)
erection of a 18 m slimline monopole with associated telecommunications exchange container, security fencing and access track to rform part of the digital communicaitons network (GSM/UMTS)
retention of the existing development of an 18 meter high monopole antenna support structure carrying 3 no panel antennas and 2 no link dishes together wth associated telecommunications equipment container all enclosed in palisade fencing and section of access track
retention of existing development of an 18 meter high monopole antenna support structure carrying 3 no. panel antennas and 2 no. link dishes together with associated telecommunications equipment container all enclosed in palisade fencing and section of access track
retention of an 18 metre high monopole support structure carrying 3 panel antennas and 1 link dish together with associated equipment container all enclosed in palisade fencing and section of access track with future requirements for 3 antenna and 2 additional dishes
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application