c/o Simon De Pietro, Mill House, Buttervant, Co Cork
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
retention and completion of development consisting of the retention of all works (670 metres of road) caried out pursuant to planning permission planning register reference no. 98/533 and permission for the erection of 4 wind turbines with towers not exceeding 46 metres in height and rotor diameter not exceeding 54.25 metres together with control building and ancillary equipment for the generation of electricity
Development Address:
CarrownadargnyTownland, near Geevagh, County Sligo
retention and completion of development consisting of the retention of all works (670 metres of road) caried out pursuant to planning permission planning register reference no. 98/533 and permission for the erection of 4 wind turbines with towers not exceeding 46 metres in height and rotor diameter not exceeding 54.25 metres together with control building and ancillary equipment for the generation of electricity