for housing development comprising of 2 no. detached 2 storey, 5 bedroom dwellinghouses, 4 no. semi-detached single storey 2-bedroom dwellinghouses, 8 no. semi-detached 2 storey 4-bedroom dwellinghouses and 34 no. semi-detached 2 storey 3 bedroom dwellinghouses together with all ancillary site works and services to include access road and connections to proposed Tulsk Sewerage Scheme at
PERMISSION GRANTED to construct 2 no. retail/commercial units, creche facility and 3 no. apartments, together with all ancillary site works and services to include connection to sewerage scheme (only) (Application made to construct 3 no. retail/commercial units, creche facility and 4 no. apartments, together with all ancillary site works and services to include connection to sewerage scheme) at