15 dweling houses and permission for 4 dwelling houses and site development works at (Application made for 17 dwellinghouses & Permission for 4 dwellinghouses).
Ardsallagh Beg Townland, Roscommon Town, Co. Roscommon.
To (1) Retain and complete the following changes as previously granted under part of Planning Ref: PD/02/17- House 2: change from house type F to house type E: (2) The provision of 2 underground gas tanks for heating purposes servicing the development as granted under PD/02/17 and all associated site development works at
(i) erect 6 no detached dwelling houses,(ii) Amend road layout to front of site 8 and 9.(iii) connect to existing services and access road granted under planning ref. 02/17, and all associated site works at
To construct 5 No. two storey detached dwelling houses and 1 No. Dormer style detached dwelling house with connection to existing services and all associated site development works at
E.O.D. of PD/15/129 Permission to construct 5 No. two storey detached dwelling houses and 1 No. dormer style detached dwelling house with connection to existing services and all associated site development works at