for the construction of a Centre of Excellence for the Training and Development of Gaelic Games in County Roscommon. The proposed development comprises the provision of 7 no. all- weather natural grass playing pitches and running track, 1 no. all-weather synthetic training area, a double sided hurling wall and a clubhouse facility including gymnasium and changing room facilities and all ancillary facilities including offices, meeting rooms, physical therapy rooms and storage areas. The provision of parking and ancillary delivery areas, a storage/maintenance building. Provision is also made for new distributor road and vehicular access off the local road to the south, all ancillary engineering services including wastewater treatment plant and percolation area, floodlighting to 3 no. playing pitches, an ESB substation and all associated site development works including ground works, landscaping, demolition of an existing ruinous dwellighouse and removal of existing access serving this dwellinghouse at
permission for extension and refurbishment of existing dwelling house and for temporary siting of mobile home on the site, with connection to existing septic tank and percolation area at
Permission for extension and refurbishment of existing dwelling house and Retention Permission for retention of temporary siting of mobile home on the site, with connection to existing septic tank and percolation area at